
Rescuing animals - a dream

The house next to us is to be demolished and a small apartment complex be built instead. Those living there are strangely secluded and unknowns. The place has been for sale for over a year, but no buyers were interested in the building. It's too too ugly.

On a Sunday the demolishing team arrives and begin to knock over some walls down by the far end of the garden. I suddenly notice that the area isn't abandoned. Somebody are still there and the place doesn't have the deserted look you'd expect.

I go over there and notice there's a stable and go inside. In tiny pens animals are held. Some calves who seem to be starving, certainly mistreated. I look around to find some milk substitute so I can give them something to eat. But no luck. There are some goats in a cramped space, seemingly half dead and as I look into the darkness, I notice a dried up corpse of an old many lying with the goats. There seems to be other corpses there as well. Exploring the stable I notice other animals, all mistreated and kept under very poor conditions.

Quickly I find the leader of the demolishing team and explain to him what I've discovered. I tell to call a veterinary and the police. We have to see if the animals can be saved or if it's too late, and the dead bodies is a police matter.

I can't really figure out if those living there have moved yet or not. The father of the family died a while ago and that's why they've been selling as far as I gather. There are some people around, and in the courtyard a flee-market is going on. Neighbours drop by to buy a few things. Nobody seems to care about the animals though or their condition.

The vet comes and I show him all my discoveries. He is appealed as well and goes to work instantly. The horses have been mistreated as well and one seems to bind himself to me instantly. I pet him and caress him and a bond is created between us. I can't help but love this small horse and he seems to need me and want me. He's a dun with dark tail and mane.

We're told by one that the father of the family used to take the animals out one hour a day to the wooden area at the end of the garden. That was all, and not always every day either. Sometimes he'd take an animal, especially one of the deer, and shoot it, using the meat for dinner.

I try to find a way to rescue these poor abused animals and talk to the vet about it. There must be some place and I suggest and auction where the money goes to charity or some such. I try to find a solution for my horse who keeps following me, though living in a small apartment with a tiny garden isn't suitable. He needs me close and a lot, so a stable far away wouldn't be good either.

The dream fades and mixes with other dreams as my daughter tries to wake me and I slumber a bit longer.


A dream last night

I walked to the cathedral and up over the nave to the very sacred place just under the roof. An altar was there, a window in through which the light fell. I sat cross legged before the altar, feeling my body vibrate and become more. It didn't feel quite right though, I couldn't reach the levels I wanted, the higher vibrations that would bring me out of my body. I moved back to a white slate on the floor, which had a wire attached which went up through a hole in the ceiling.

I lay there and felt the vibrations increase and become more. Then I suddenly realized it wasn't only me, but everything. A long earthquake rumbled, lasting minutes, a low consistent vibration going through me and everything around me. When it was over I opened my eyes and saw I was suspended high in the air on the white slate. The cathedral was reduced to piles of brick all around. The earthquake completely destroying many buildings around me.

A catastrophe had people help others and try to salve what could be saved. I went to my mothers house and saw that there too damage had spread. My brothers room completely razed, the walls beneath shifting and moving. They were a newer addition to the house and had suffered, while the old part of the house, made from field stones, stood solid. Only part of the upper floor had taken damage, some windows broken, part of the straw-roof fallen in.

Amazingly, nothing in the living room had taken damage. My mother's expensive TV still stood and could be saved. Nothing seemed broken, only the building in part.

We wanted not to sleep indoor, there were still after quakes and we knew they could be nearly as bad as the original one. My mother wished to sleep inside the house though. We others did not and we went in search for some cover and garden furniture so we could sleep outdoors. I went up to my storage area over the stable and none of the fine porcelain cups or other fragile things had broken.

My mother was certain the horse stable had taken damage, but when she went there nothing was broken and some of the horses were inside eating.

A shift in scene, perhaps another dream, though related.

Going to Slagelse, a town I had lived in, to visit a friend who owns a computer café. I couldn't find it and asked the way. Hazy scenes, talking to people, telling others what I had done.

Then a shift again and I'm part of a doctors team, or perhaps students. We're pushed hard, no room for mistakes or errors. No room for breaking the rules and laws. Those who do are killed by electro shock. I have to participate in killing those who fail. It is hard, heart-breaking to take away a life. I only assist and witness, and yet part becomes my responsibility.

I attend several executions. Become one who guides others who witness them the first time, explaining that it's necessary, that it is the rules. Cold and distanced, without emotion. It's too painful to feel anything.

One time we come to the room and a group of other students are there practising and role-playing doctor and patient. They're asked to leave so we can do our thing. The comfortable bed is gone and the young woman has to sit on a normal chair instead of lying down. There's some talk forth and back. One of the new witnesses protests, wants the young woman to call her boyfriend and say good bye, can't come to terms with the situation.

Before the young woman is executed, the other students come back not realizing we're not done yet. The one to die gets up and presses the bottoms herself and dies from the shock.

Then the class is dismissed, perhaps it was all just an act and role-playing, perhaps the young woman isn't dead for I see her briefly laughing and having fun with the others. I go with a friend who invites me to an Italian restaurant for dinner. As we look at the menu, we're in England now, I ask if we have to decide upon what we want to eat before we get seated.

I wake from the dreams. What a night. So many symbols.
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