The house next to us is to be demolished and a small apartment complex be built instead. Those living there are strangely secluded and unknowns. The place has been for sale for over a year, but no buyers were interested in the building. It's too too ugly.
On a Sunday the demolishing team arrives and begin to knock over some walls down by the far end of the garden. I suddenly notice that the area isn't abandoned. Somebody are still there and the place doesn't have the deserted look you'd expect.
I go over there and notice there's a stable and go inside. In tiny pens animals are held. Some calves who seem to be starving, certainly mistreated. I look around to find some milk substitute so I can give them something to eat. But no luck. There are some goats in a cramped space, seemingly half dead and as I look into the darkness, I notice a dried up corpse of an old many lying with the goats. There seems to be other corpses there as well. Exploring the stable I notice other animals, all mistreated and kept under very poor conditions.
Quickly I find the leader of the demolishing team and explain to him what I've discovered. I tell to call a veterinary and the police. We have to see if the animals can be saved or if it's too late, and the dead bodies is a police matter.
I can't really figure out if those living there have moved yet or not. The father of the family died a while ago and that's why they've been selling as far as I gather. There are some people around, and in the courtyard a flee-market is going on. Neighbours drop by to buy a few things. Nobody seems to care about the animals though or their condition.
The vet comes and I show him all my discoveries. He is appealed as well and goes to work instantly. The horses have been mistreated as well and one seems to bind himself to me instantly. I pet him and caress him and a bond is created between us. I can't help but love this small horse and he seems to need me and want me. He's a dun with dark tail and mane.
We're told by one that the father of the family used to take the animals out one hour a day to the wooden area at the end of the garden. That was all, and not always every day either. Sometimes he'd take an animal, especially one of the deer, and shoot it, using the meat for dinner.
I try to find a way to rescue these poor abused animals and talk to the vet about it. There must be some place and I suggest and auction where the money goes to charity or some such. I try to find a solution for my horse who keeps following me, though living in a small apartment with a tiny garden isn't suitable. He needs me close and a lot, so a stable far away wouldn't be good either.
The dream fades and mixes with other dreams as my daughter tries to wake me and I slumber a bit longer.
A dream last night
I walked to the cathedral and up over the nave to the very sacred place just under the roof. An altar was there, a window in through which the light fell. I sat cross legged before the altar, feeling my body vibrate and become more. It didn't feel quite right though, I couldn't reach the levels I wanted, the higher vibrations that would bring me out of my body. I moved back to a white slate on the floor, which had a wire attached which went up through a hole in the ceiling.
I lay there and felt the vibrations increase and become more. Then I suddenly realized it wasn't only me, but everything. A long earthquake rumbled, lasting minutes, a low consistent vibration going through me and everything around me. When it was over I opened my eyes and saw I was suspended high in the air on the white slate. The cathedral was reduced to piles of brick all around. The earthquake completely destroying many buildings around me.
A catastrophe had people help others and try to salve what could be saved. I went to my mothers house and saw that there too damage had spread. My brothers room completely razed, the walls beneath shifting and moving. They were a newer addition to the house and had suffered, while the old part of the house, made from field stones, stood solid. Only part of the upper floor had taken damage, some windows broken, part of the straw-roof fallen in.
Amazingly, nothing in the living room had taken damage. My mother's expensive TV still stood and could be saved. Nothing seemed broken, only the building in part.
We wanted not to sleep indoor, there were still after quakes and we knew they could be nearly as bad as the original one. My mother wished to sleep inside the house though. We others did not and we went in search for some cover and garden furniture so we could sleep outdoors. I went up to my storage area over the stable and none of the fine porcelain cups or other fragile things had broken.
My mother was certain the horse stable had taken damage, but when she went there nothing was broken and some of the horses were inside eating.
A shift in scene, perhaps another dream, though related.
Going to Slagelse, a town I had lived in, to visit a friend who owns a computer café. I couldn't find it and asked the way. Hazy scenes, talking to people, telling others what I had done.
Then a shift again and I'm part of a doctors team, or perhaps students. We're pushed hard, no room for mistakes or errors. No room for breaking the rules and laws. Those who do are killed by electro shock. I have to participate in killing those who fail. It is hard, heart-breaking to take away a life. I only assist and witness, and yet part becomes my responsibility.
I attend several executions. Become one who guides others who witness them the first time, explaining that it's necessary, that it is the rules. Cold and distanced, without emotion. It's too painful to feel anything.
One time we come to the room and a group of other students are there practising and role-playing doctor and patient. They're asked to leave so we can do our thing. The comfortable bed is gone and the young woman has to sit on a normal chair instead of lying down. There's some talk forth and back. One of the new witnesses protests, wants the young woman to call her boyfriend and say good bye, can't come to terms with the situation.
Before the young woman is executed, the other students come back not realizing we're not done yet. The one to die gets up and presses the bottoms herself and dies from the shock.
Then the class is dismissed, perhaps it was all just an act and role-playing, perhaps the young woman isn't dead for I see her briefly laughing and having fun with the others. I go with a friend who invites me to an Italian restaurant for dinner. As we look at the menu, we're in England now, I ask if we have to decide upon what we want to eat before we get seated.
I wake from the dreams. What a night. So many symbols.
I lay there and felt the vibrations increase and become more. Then I suddenly realized it wasn't only me, but everything. A long earthquake rumbled, lasting minutes, a low consistent vibration going through me and everything around me. When it was over I opened my eyes and saw I was suspended high in the air on the white slate. The cathedral was reduced to piles of brick all around. The earthquake completely destroying many buildings around me.
A catastrophe had people help others and try to salve what could be saved. I went to my mothers house and saw that there too damage had spread. My brothers room completely razed, the walls beneath shifting and moving. They were a newer addition to the house and had suffered, while the old part of the house, made from field stones, stood solid. Only part of the upper floor had taken damage, some windows broken, part of the straw-roof fallen in.
Amazingly, nothing in the living room had taken damage. My mother's expensive TV still stood and could be saved. Nothing seemed broken, only the building in part.
We wanted not to sleep indoor, there were still after quakes and we knew they could be nearly as bad as the original one. My mother wished to sleep inside the house though. We others did not and we went in search for some cover and garden furniture so we could sleep outdoors. I went up to my storage area over the stable and none of the fine porcelain cups or other fragile things had broken.
My mother was certain the horse stable had taken damage, but when she went there nothing was broken and some of the horses were inside eating.
A shift in scene, perhaps another dream, though related.
Going to Slagelse, a town I had lived in, to visit a friend who owns a computer café. I couldn't find it and asked the way. Hazy scenes, talking to people, telling others what I had done.
Then a shift again and I'm part of a doctors team, or perhaps students. We're pushed hard, no room for mistakes or errors. No room for breaking the rules and laws. Those who do are killed by electro shock. I have to participate in killing those who fail. It is hard, heart-breaking to take away a life. I only assist and witness, and yet part becomes my responsibility.
I attend several executions. Become one who guides others who witness them the first time, explaining that it's necessary, that it is the rules. Cold and distanced, without emotion. It's too painful to feel anything.
One time we come to the room and a group of other students are there practising and role-playing doctor and patient. They're asked to leave so we can do our thing. The comfortable bed is gone and the young woman has to sit on a normal chair instead of lying down. There's some talk forth and back. One of the new witnesses protests, wants the young woman to call her boyfriend and say good bye, can't come to terms with the situation.
Before the young woman is executed, the other students come back not realizing we're not done yet. The one to die gets up and presses the bottoms herself and dies from the shock.
Then the class is dismissed, perhaps it was all just an act and role-playing, perhaps the young woman isn't dead for I see her briefly laughing and having fun with the others. I go with a friend who invites me to an Italian restaurant for dinner. As we look at the menu, we're in England now, I ask if we have to decide upon what we want to eat before we get seated.
I wake from the dreams. What a night. So many symbols.
Real dreams
Windows to life
Watching windows pass by, opportunities coming and going
Never do you know what it all might bring,
never do you know the dream hiding
Only by doing will you find out,
only by trying will the future be revealed
Watching lives pass by, possibilities not fulfilled
Never can you know what would have happened,
if you do not try for yourself
A window, a life, opportunities, possibilities
It's all there waiting for you, if only you dare leave
the box you hide within
Open the door, enter the room
Stop just watching windows
but become a part of the film yourself.
Never do you know what it all might bring,
never do you know the dream hiding
Only by doing will you find out,
only by trying will the future be revealed
Watching lives pass by, possibilities not fulfilled
Never can you know what would have happened,
if you do not try for yourself
A window, a life, opportunities, possibilities
It's all there waiting for you, if only you dare leave
the box you hide within
Open the door, enter the room
Stop just watching windows
but become a part of the film yourself.
Releasing pain
Howling to the sky in agony abandoning all control
Releasing the pain which soars through the body like nails
Tearing wail after wail bounce between the walls
Echoing the burning throes buried inside
Leaving me empty when the voice loses its power
Exhausted I tremble as the sobs make their way out
Fat tears over my cheeks dry up as the source stills
Nothing left but a numb empty shell when I silently stand
Releasing the pain which soars through the body like nails
Tearing wail after wail bounce between the walls
Echoing the burning throes buried inside
Leaving me empty when the voice loses its power
Exhausted I tremble as the sobs make their way out
Fat tears over my cheeks dry up as the source stills
Nothing left but a numb empty shell when I silently stand
Last petal
The petals fall from the rose,
one by one drifting to the barren ground
Silent they float upon the breeze,
which will not blow again
Bright red like drops of precious blood,
one at a time, lonely and lost
To fade to browns that covers the ground
Dry and barren earth,
with no nourishment left
Unmoving the stalk remains standing,
black and lifeless against the heavy sky
The last petal drifts slowly down
Hits the ground and breaks into dust
No ray of sunlight will ever warm that rose again
For now nothing is left, but dead memories and pain
It's over.
one by one drifting to the barren ground
Silent they float upon the breeze,
which will not blow again
Bright red like drops of precious blood,
one at a time, lonely and lost
To fade to browns that covers the ground
Dry and barren earth,
with no nourishment left
Unmoving the stalk remains standing,
black and lifeless against the heavy sky
The last petal drifts slowly down
Hits the ground and breaks into dust
No ray of sunlight will ever warm that rose again
For now nothing is left, but dead memories and pain
It's over.
I cry for the dreams broken
I cry for the life together now lost
I cry for all the things I hoped for,
all the dreams I had,
the fantasies about you which now never will come true
I cry for what we could have had together
I cry for losing you from my life
The things we could have built
The things we could have created
The things we could have grown
I cry for what you and I could have become together
The special unity, the merging of souls
The lives which would have sprung from our union
I cry for my love for you
I cry for my loss
I cry for a future dreamt of,
which now won't ever happen with you.
I cry for the life together now lost
I cry for all the things I hoped for,
all the dreams I had,
the fantasies about you which now never will come true
I cry for what we could have had together
I cry for losing you from my life
The things we could have built
The things we could have created
The things we could have grown
I cry for what you and I could have become together
The special unity, the merging of souls
The lives which would have sprung from our union
I cry for my love for you
I cry for my loss
I cry for a future dreamt of,
which now won't ever happen with you.
Please help me heal from this pain,
before it tears me apart
Please help me forget and let go,
so I am no longer reminded
Please help me become strong enough,
that I won't be left crawling
Please give me faith and hope,
when darkness threatens the vision
Please give me the ability to trust,
that this is for the better
Please don't take away all my dreams,
for what would I be without them
Please give me room to grow,
and overcome this soaring agony
Please let me feel true love again,
so I won't die cold and lonely.
before it tears me apart
Please help me forget and let go,
so I am no longer reminded
Please help me become strong enough,
that I won't be left crawling
Please give me faith and hope,
when darkness threatens the vision
Please give me the ability to trust,
that this is for the better
Please don't take away all my dreams,
for what would I be without them
Please give me room to grow,
and overcome this soaring agony
Please let me feel true love again,
so I won't die cold and lonely.
Exploring the world which is opening before me.
Taking a step at a time, what will appear beyond the horizon?
Exciting this is, a discovery of passions and desires, of dreams and wants.
Treading upon new ground, paths formed in the green grass,
walking towards the distant sights, one step at a time.
To try new things, to explore the unknown.
Revelation upon revelation, new things learned and felt.
Every day something else, life can never become the same again, will not remain.
Change is completely upon me and cannot be reversed.
Here and now upon a fascinating journey, one step at a time.
New worlds open, opportunities arise.
All I need to do is to open my eyes, and see what now comes.
Lying before me, everything ready to pluck, fruits ripe and juicy if only I take.
What to choose, what to pick, the decisions are only mine.
Endless possibilities awaiting me, one step at a time.
Taking a step at a time, what will appear beyond the horizon?
Exciting this is, a discovery of passions and desires, of dreams and wants.
Treading upon new ground, paths formed in the green grass,
walking towards the distant sights, one step at a time.
To try new things, to explore the unknown.
Revelation upon revelation, new things learned and felt.
Every day something else, life can never become the same again, will not remain.
Change is completely upon me and cannot be reversed.
Here and now upon a fascinating journey, one step at a time.
New worlds open, opportunities arise.
All I need to do is to open my eyes, and see what now comes.
Lying before me, everything ready to pluck, fruits ripe and juicy if only I take.
What to choose, what to pick, the decisions are only mine.
Endless possibilities awaiting me, one step at a time.
Old poems by Namida VI
It's clear to see how Namida grows as a character, but also how my skills writing poems and my style changes and improves.
Two lovers
Softly bare feet tread the sweet green grass
Fragrances arise from flowers crushed underneath
Softly the wind caresses the tanned bare skin
The sun beating warmly down in gentle waves
Hand in hand, walking by the tinkling stream
Laughing softly, sharing happily that which is
Living in the moment, fleetingly like a dream
Two lovers playing, cool water spraying wetly
Tender embraces, in love true to soul and heart
Meeting in passion, fulfilling a desire of lust
Laying in the sun, bare skin lightened by strokes
Caresses tender, skin upon skin, connecting souls
Slowly light fades, gentle breezes of eve brush by
Golden hair shining in the light of the setting sun
Flowing lightly upon a soft breeze of fragrance
Walking softly beside each other, heading for home
The sky turning to purple and blues, reflecting softly
In a lake of calm, waters deep surrounding an island
Boldly rising a castle grand, towers and spires tall
Crossing a bridge, entering and greeted by servants
A Lord and Lady, walking side by side, in tender love
Ruling in justice and kindness, loved by those below
A bath taken, to wash clean bodies from lovemaking
Dressing finely in robes suited for a banquet of joy
Celebrating the riches of the land, celebrating love
Sharing in unison a glass of wine, gazing deeply
Into eyes filled with passion and tenderness prized
Slowly standing, leaving a filled table with delight
Walking softly, murmuring intimately of love true
Towards private chambers, to lie in silk closely
Undressing slowly, letting eyes take in of beauty
To join in love and passion, another day is over
Passions filling my being by the thought of you
Intensely growing to incomparable heights of joy
Never faltering, only increasing by each touch
Would this be what is most true and full of love
In nights dreams are shared, a future by your side
Filled with love so tender, a dream come true
For a Dancer dear, so handsome and fulfilling
All that a humble woman as I can dream of having
Nothing more can be asked for, but loving you
To be loved by you brings me more joy in life
Than anything else, no matter what is put before me
To be in your presence, to feel your touch and love
Strong willed we both are of mind, soul and heart
With dreams strong, goals that we want to reach
To stand by your side, being the one you long for
To be my true self, growing in your presence
To full potential, a rose is blooming in the light
Light of love, tenderness, passion, so true
With you I can become all I ever was meant to be
In the light of your love, I will become complete
One drop falling, hitting an unprotected leaf
Sending shivers through all the petals
Slowly they open, stretching to embrace
A ray of light, revealing hungrily the inner
As snowdrops stand side by side with crocus
Daisies and dandelions flowering in a wide field
Standing in a bed of flower, blooming to all
Fuchsia, gardenia and lavender, sending fragrances
Wafting upon a gentle breeze, from a garden rich
Mugwort, violet, poppy and roses in beautiful colours
Red, white and yellow forming a symphony of love
Bordered by star-flowers, red tulips and valerians
Slowly all the petals open, ready to receive
The warm drops of rain, the gentle touches of light
Trembling with passion and anticipation, waiting
Forever by your side, filled with love undying and true
In the Glory of Love, all flowers bloom
Petals open to reveal of their inner being
Tenderly they embrace what is freely given
In Trust and Faith, treasuring True gifts
To shine in the Joy of Presence, fulfilling
In Honour and Valour strong, is freely given
A Love that is incomparable, to Man and Beast
Largesse surrounds the Heart, Wisdom the Mind
In Honour of Her Majesty, may all flowers Bloom
Deep into the night
Deep into the night, a dream slowly comes alive
Whispered hushed to an ear, words of love true
No words can ever express, what feelings are inside
Strongly does the hope shine bright, not to falter
A gift so precious given, in the name of love for you
My heart beats with joy, to think of your embrace
Slowly dawn lightens the dark sky of night
Darkness fades lingeringly as the sun rises
The sky turning from pitch black of night
Fading with light, slowly the blue can be seen
Hope rises in the heart of dreams, dancing
Beating with joy and faith, in belief of truth
Two lovers
Softly bare feet tread the sweet green grass
Fragrances arise from flowers crushed underneath
Softly the wind caresses the tanned bare skin
The sun beating warmly down in gentle waves
Hand in hand, walking by the tinkling stream
Laughing softly, sharing happily that which is
Living in the moment, fleetingly like a dream
Two lovers playing, cool water spraying wetly
Tender embraces, in love true to soul and heart
Meeting in passion, fulfilling a desire of lust
Laying in the sun, bare skin lightened by strokes
Caresses tender, skin upon skin, connecting souls
Slowly light fades, gentle breezes of eve brush by
Golden hair shining in the light of the setting sun
Flowing lightly upon a soft breeze of fragrance
Walking softly beside each other, heading for home
The sky turning to purple and blues, reflecting softly
In a lake of calm, waters deep surrounding an island
Boldly rising a castle grand, towers and spires tall
Crossing a bridge, entering and greeted by servants
A Lord and Lady, walking side by side, in tender love
Ruling in justice and kindness, loved by those below
A bath taken, to wash clean bodies from lovemaking
Dressing finely in robes suited for a banquet of joy
Celebrating the riches of the land, celebrating love
Sharing in unison a glass of wine, gazing deeply
Into eyes filled with passion and tenderness prized
Slowly standing, leaving a filled table with delight
Walking softly, murmuring intimately of love true
Towards private chambers, to lie in silk closely
Undressing slowly, letting eyes take in of beauty
To join in love and passion, another day is over
Passions filling my being by the thought of you
Intensely growing to incomparable heights of joy
Never faltering, only increasing by each touch
Would this be what is most true and full of love
In nights dreams are shared, a future by your side
Filled with love so tender, a dream come true
For a Dancer dear, so handsome and fulfilling
All that a humble woman as I can dream of having
Nothing more can be asked for, but loving you
To be loved by you brings me more joy in life
Than anything else, no matter what is put before me
To be in your presence, to feel your touch and love
Strong willed we both are of mind, soul and heart
With dreams strong, goals that we want to reach
To stand by your side, being the one you long for
To be my true self, growing in your presence
To full potential, a rose is blooming in the light
Light of love, tenderness, passion, so true
With you I can become all I ever was meant to be
In the light of your love, I will become complete
One drop falling, hitting an unprotected leaf
Sending shivers through all the petals
Slowly they open, stretching to embrace
A ray of light, revealing hungrily the inner
As snowdrops stand side by side with crocus
Daisies and dandelions flowering in a wide field
Standing in a bed of flower, blooming to all
Fuchsia, gardenia and lavender, sending fragrances
Wafting upon a gentle breeze, from a garden rich
Mugwort, violet, poppy and roses in beautiful colours
Red, white and yellow forming a symphony of love
Bordered by star-flowers, red tulips and valerians
Slowly all the petals open, ready to receive
The warm drops of rain, the gentle touches of light
Trembling with passion and anticipation, waiting
Forever by your side, filled with love undying and true
In the Glory of Love, all flowers bloom
Petals open to reveal of their inner being
Tenderly they embrace what is freely given
In Trust and Faith, treasuring True gifts
To shine in the Joy of Presence, fulfilling
In Honour and Valour strong, is freely given
A Love that is incomparable, to Man and Beast
Largesse surrounds the Heart, Wisdom the Mind
In Honour of Her Majesty, may all flowers Bloom
Deep into the night
Deep into the night, a dream slowly comes alive
Whispered hushed to an ear, words of love true
No words can ever express, what feelings are inside
Strongly does the hope shine bright, not to falter
A gift so precious given, in the name of love for you
My heart beats with joy, to think of your embrace
Slowly dawn lightens the dark sky of night
Darkness fades lingeringly as the sun rises
The sky turning from pitch black of night
Fading with light, slowly the blue can be seen
Hope rises in the heart of dreams, dancing
Beating with joy and faith, in belief of truth
Old poems by Namida V
Yes, Namida wrote many poems, it was a great creative outlet to play Castle Marrach.
Strange feelings
Strange feelings rushes through my body
Leaving uneasiness in its wake, not explained
Not giving me peace, makes me wonder, fear
Filling me, restless, nervous, anticipating
My belly tightens up, a knot that cannot untie
Trying to describe, words put to paper, telling
Will not explain, will not come out to sense
Filling my being, a perception, a foresight
Closing my eyes, momentarily, breathing, trying
Seeing what cannot be seen, hidden, eluding
Something, someone significant, will happen
Soon, today, importance, will influence all
Fear of loved ones, of those held dear, fear
Pain, harm, suffering, will come, will strike
Turning light dark, bringing tears to eyes
Making hearts bleed, filling them with fears
Darkness unspoken of, words never heard, heed
See what is hidden, in shadows, unseen, away
Fills me, a sense of darkness coming, to strike
Harm will befall, tears, of fear, of pain, end
Times of darkness
In times of darkness, a true strength shows
Awaiting to emerge, shivering with fear
Of loosing what is held most closely to heart
Standing in solitude, a dreamer barely prepared
Hope lingers in the heart, even winds buffet
Of death and betrayal, only the future will tell
Tales of human nature, of love that can be true
Only time will show the answers, of hope felt
Waiting for days to come, when truth will be shown
Will a deadly dagger emerge from the shadows deep
Or will it be seen in the eyes of the beloved
A trade of life for life, or a final breaking of bonds
Now time will come to face, dreamer living of hope
Lingering and awaiting, for the fate to strike
Holding hope close to heart, dreaming of love so true
Of love being afraid, to what might be lead
To danger all the sudden, or in trust shared
What will the answer be, when words are heard
To see eyes in faith, of no harm ever given
Will words of warning issue, when threats do appear
What deals will the heart meet, closed in shadows deep
Fragile is the balance that now will take its trial
To be given a fearful option, how strong is the heart
Was words of true love spoken, sincerely in trust
How strong is the feelings, that eyes so dear do show
In hope I rest my life, letting fate show what will come
Fears of a broken heart, and a dream to come true
No words have been forthcoming, all waiting to see
What will be taken, and who will hold the blade
My heart is held by one too dear, in shadows dark of fear
What do they suddenly hold, will the dagger all emerge
To love so dearly, a price that will be paid
In tender embraces, I hope to see my life
What side will the battle go to
When faced with life or death
Words spoken
Words spoken in the shades of the night
Hushed whispered to ears willing to hear
Of tender love so dear, in trust and hope
Longing for a tender embrace, given warmly
Never to be separated, closely held in love
Dreaming in the starlit night, of love true
Shadows dance among us, sowing seeds of fear
Not knowing what will come, waiting in silence
Only hope and dream is left, closely embraced
Tearing apart what was never meant to be
Cold fear that grows in the heart day for day
Waiting in silence, words form one held dear
Lessons learned
Lessons learned by words and actions
Of shadows deep, and desires tempting
Shivers of thrills deep, running all over
Trembling with extreme emotions, and lust
Ever so tempting, of dangers so sweet
At a loss for words, what to write in
Truly deep impacts, have meetings given
Lessons learned, showing that which is
Of passions running through bodies
Tempting ever sweetly, sending thrills
Closing eyes not to see, feelings linger
Skin remembering touches softly given
Tracing slowly, marks that are in memory
Shivering lightly, desires running deep
Lost for words, only feelings are left
Things amazing were shared two between
A bond has emerged, tying them together
Friendship deep, a trust openly given
Secrets shared in the middle of the night
Surrendering completely, in trust and love
Holding closely
Holding closely in the night
A company of treasure warm
To share what was so desired
Sating emptiness and passions
Sharing warmth in company dear
Of friendships that will remain
Strong feelings shown openly
Of passions that needed filling
Trust was shared most preciously
The love of body and desires
Enticing, shivering with lust
Surrendering completely, trusting
A fulfilment of need that be
Of body and mind, to share together
Company in the cold of the night
Filling loneliness and desires
Friendships will strongly remain
Of passions time tales will tell
Nothing less is thought of friends
Strongly the bond will remain true
The walls
The walls have ears and eyes
The cats are said to be spies
Can you tell, friends or foes
Who in the shadow goes
Nothing is ever as it appears
Loves that will end in tears
Who will in the shadows hide
One on yours or the other side
Friends turn foes, foes turn friends
Can you tell how it all ends
Strange feelings
Strange feelings rushes through my body
Leaving uneasiness in its wake, not explained
Not giving me peace, makes me wonder, fear
Filling me, restless, nervous, anticipating
My belly tightens up, a knot that cannot untie
Trying to describe, words put to paper, telling
Will not explain, will not come out to sense
Filling my being, a perception, a foresight
Closing my eyes, momentarily, breathing, trying
Seeing what cannot be seen, hidden, eluding
Something, someone significant, will happen
Soon, today, importance, will influence all
Fear of loved ones, of those held dear, fear
Pain, harm, suffering, will come, will strike
Turning light dark, bringing tears to eyes
Making hearts bleed, filling them with fears
Darkness unspoken of, words never heard, heed
See what is hidden, in shadows, unseen, away
Fills me, a sense of darkness coming, to strike
Harm will befall, tears, of fear, of pain, end
Times of darkness
In times of darkness, a true strength shows
Awaiting to emerge, shivering with fear
Of loosing what is held most closely to heart
Standing in solitude, a dreamer barely prepared
Hope lingers in the heart, even winds buffet
Of death and betrayal, only the future will tell
Tales of human nature, of love that can be true
Only time will show the answers, of hope felt
Waiting for days to come, when truth will be shown
Will a deadly dagger emerge from the shadows deep
Or will it be seen in the eyes of the beloved
A trade of life for life, or a final breaking of bonds
Now time will come to face, dreamer living of hope
Lingering and awaiting, for the fate to strike
Holding hope close to heart, dreaming of love so true
Of love being afraid, to what might be lead
To danger all the sudden, or in trust shared
What will the answer be, when words are heard
To see eyes in faith, of no harm ever given
Will words of warning issue, when threats do appear
What deals will the heart meet, closed in shadows deep
Fragile is the balance that now will take its trial
To be given a fearful option, how strong is the heart
Was words of true love spoken, sincerely in trust
How strong is the feelings, that eyes so dear do show
In hope I rest my life, letting fate show what will come
Fears of a broken heart, and a dream to come true
No words have been forthcoming, all waiting to see
What will be taken, and who will hold the blade
My heart is held by one too dear, in shadows dark of fear
What do they suddenly hold, will the dagger all emerge
To love so dearly, a price that will be paid
In tender embraces, I hope to see my life
What side will the battle go to
When faced with life or death
Words spoken
Words spoken in the shades of the night
Hushed whispered to ears willing to hear
Of tender love so dear, in trust and hope
Longing for a tender embrace, given warmly
Never to be separated, closely held in love
Dreaming in the starlit night, of love true
Shadows dance among us, sowing seeds of fear
Not knowing what will come, waiting in silence
Only hope and dream is left, closely embraced
Tearing apart what was never meant to be
Cold fear that grows in the heart day for day
Waiting in silence, words form one held dear
Lessons learned
Lessons learned by words and actions
Of shadows deep, and desires tempting
Shivers of thrills deep, running all over
Trembling with extreme emotions, and lust
Ever so tempting, of dangers so sweet
At a loss for words, what to write in
Truly deep impacts, have meetings given
Lessons learned, showing that which is
Of passions running through bodies
Tempting ever sweetly, sending thrills
Closing eyes not to see, feelings linger
Skin remembering touches softly given
Tracing slowly, marks that are in memory
Shivering lightly, desires running deep
Lost for words, only feelings are left
Things amazing were shared two between
A bond has emerged, tying them together
Friendship deep, a trust openly given
Secrets shared in the middle of the night
Surrendering completely, in trust and love
Holding closely
Holding closely in the night
A company of treasure warm
To share what was so desired
Sating emptiness and passions
Sharing warmth in company dear
Of friendships that will remain
Strong feelings shown openly
Of passions that needed filling
Trust was shared most preciously
The love of body and desires
Enticing, shivering with lust
Surrendering completely, trusting
A fulfilment of need that be
Of body and mind, to share together
Company in the cold of the night
Filling loneliness and desires
Friendships will strongly remain
Of passions time tales will tell
Nothing less is thought of friends
Strongly the bond will remain true
The walls
The walls have ears and eyes
The cats are said to be spies
Can you tell, friends or foes
Who in the shadow goes
Nothing is ever as it appears
Loves that will end in tears
Who will in the shadows hide
One on yours or the other side
Friends turn foes, foes turn friends
Can you tell how it all ends
Old poems by Namida IV
Namida also wrote a few sensual poems as her innocence disappeared and she discovered passion.
A touch
Building, slowly, strong energy of foreign nature
Making nervous, unease, anticipation of something
No words put to it, thinking, feeling, sensations
A sudden touch, shivers runs down a spine, trembling
Confusing emotions, attractions, a demand unknown?
Questions arise, not knowing answers, passing feelings?
A foreboding, a perception, of something to happen
Was it that, to know, to acknowledge, attractions
Thinking, feeling, uncertain of knowledge, is love?
A fleeting moment of thrill, shivering by thought
Words spoken made soft, tore down defences, slowly
The heart knows its place, the body suddenly confused
A power of heart, of magnetism, sending shivers down
Trembling lightly, remembering the touch, fearful
A moments weakness of temptation, what is this you do?
Gentle breezes makes the petals tremble
Caresses with light touches of sunlight
Warm drops of dew settles slowly upon
Hungrily petals open widely, recieving
Gentle strokes of wind brushes a leaf
Slowly making it shiver in sheer delight
Softly it rises, extending upward to see
Feeling the grazing touch of soft winds
A drop falls suddenly, gasping sharply
Petals folds around a warm drop of water
Embracing it, holding closely what is dear
Taking in to delight, treasuring, giving
Under the touch of the light, breezes stroke
Trembling slowly, shivering violently, ready
Only waiting, to receive, to give, completely
A touch
Building, slowly, strong energy of foreign nature
Making nervous, unease, anticipation of something
No words put to it, thinking, feeling, sensations
A sudden touch, shivers runs down a spine, trembling
Confusing emotions, attractions, a demand unknown?
Questions arise, not knowing answers, passing feelings?
A foreboding, a perception, of something to happen
Was it that, to know, to acknowledge, attractions
Thinking, feeling, uncertain of knowledge, is love?
A fleeting moment of thrill, shivering by thought
Words spoken made soft, tore down defences, slowly
The heart knows its place, the body suddenly confused
A power of heart, of magnetism, sending shivers down
Trembling lightly, remembering the touch, fearful
A moments weakness of temptation, what is this you do?
Gentle breezes makes the petals tremble
Caresses with light touches of sunlight
Warm drops of dew settles slowly upon
Hungrily petals open widely, recieving
Gentle strokes of wind brushes a leaf
Slowly making it shiver in sheer delight
Softly it rises, extending upward to see
Feeling the grazing touch of soft winds
A drop falls suddenly, gasping sharply
Petals folds around a warm drop of water
Embracing it, holding closely what is dear
Taking in to delight, treasuring, giving
Under the touch of the light, breezes stroke
Trembling slowly, shivering violently, ready
Only waiting, to receive, to give, completely
Old poems by Namida III
These are some of my favourite poems by Namida. They would be written during 2004 I think, as she grew and matured into a seasoned woman, strong, with scars but yet with some hope. In Janurary 2004 I kicked out my husband after a fight which broke my nose, and a few months later we were divorced. This became a year of freedom and adventure for me, of new beginnings and strength.
Awakening from dream
A lonely night; filled with longing dreams
Of a distant sun, now hidden behind clouds
To feel the caressing touch of the sun
Grazing my skin with its warm soft touch
Upon a gentle breeze fragile fragrances linger
Of flowers beautiful, blooming in the summer
Whistles from the branches, green with leaves
Birds singing in the evening light, of dreams
To see the evening sky turn from pink to indigo
While the night settles over a glade in the forrest
Grasshoppers sitting on straw, greeting the night
A frog in a nearby stream, calling for his love
Soft words spoken in the dusk of a summer night
Of love so dear and tender, forever to be together
Slowly I realize and feel the linens surround me
Awakening to another day, in the Castle of Ice
Of words
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
Time passes by, a missing piece of friendship
Taken away, torn by the dreams of another
Not to be, a sorrow fills the shining heart
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
Did such a thing ever happen, to bring joy
Sadness casts shadows over the early morn
To loose what was held dear, in friendship
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
Time was precious, every moment enjoyed
Spending time, in easy talk and discussion
Building gently in trust, what now cannot be
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
A friendship held dear, by those with hearts
Following the unspoken wish, of one beloved
Stepping back, accepting how it is, in grief
Breezes in the warm summer night, caresses my skin
Makes it tingle; sensations, shifting like a soft wind
Stars shine high above, casting light over a glade
Whispers in the night, messages of an unknown nature
Shadows move in the eve, barely seen, approaching
Filling the vision with dark forebodings and fears
Shivers of anxiety run down my spine, sending thrills
Of foreign nature through my body, trembling suddenly
Wrapping a blanket closely, trying to keep my warmth
Gazing about, hoping to see the light from the stars
Purging away dark tidings; of dangerous causes awaiting
Fearful of a future to come, will strength mine be enough
Alone on a pillow, hair spreading out like golden water
Unfitful dreams not remembered, sends drops running down
A lonely tear rolling slowly, from an eye closed in sleep
Fine lines of worry, furrow the forehead, worried, alone
Dreaming in the night, of words forbidden and fears unseen
Longing for gentler days, free of worry and questions
Awakening slowly, rising to face what awaits a shining heart
Bracing myself, making ready to do what must now be done
The Battle has not yet begun, against unjust imprisonment
In a dance of shadows, the like never seen outside this home
To take one step at the time, information must be sought
An angel of light rises, to stem the oncoming tide of dark
Of fears unspoken
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
A battle of light and dark, wielding a blade
Love felt so dearly, not to be compared again
Holding so closely, fearing to loose what is
Trembling silently, in lonely nights of cold
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Shadows fills the night, embracing in fear
Shining brightly, a lonely star standing strong
To surround a heart with love dearly, tender
Sharing words of love, in whispers secret
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Who are we to battle, against a tide of dark
Bracing readily, filled with strength of love true
An angel of salvation, standing ready to protect
Saving a fallen one, to free a soul from shadows
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Images of peaceful times, where love is true
Free of shadows, to dance in light ever happy
Standing side by side, ready to embrace a light
Sharing love so dearly, happily ever after
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Words must be spoken, to prepare in trust
Against what must come, time to break free
Together do we stand, stemming darkened tide
Darkness that must be stopped, in the light of love
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Love fills us strongly, will be the liberator
To tear free a soul, from the shadows that dance
Golden light from a star shining, will never falter
Filled with love unfaltering, for a dancer so dear
Of friendships dear
Of friendships dear, of shadows deep
To meet, in the freezing night of cold
A warmth, a friend, is a treassure told
Of golden light and shining gems true
Held closely to the beating heart blue
Rarely found is such a light
That can outshine the darkest night
To this, we celebrate the right
Of friendships dear, of shadows deep
To hold so close, friendship so dear
Brings strength and peace to feel no fear
Securely held in friendly love, to rest
This can only be found among those best
Rarely found is such a light
That can outshine the darkest night
To this, we celebrate the right
Of friendships dear, of shadows deep
Slowly darkness of winter nights creep
Making the mountain to climp all to steep
In shadows that threatens to cover us all
Is a friendship that never is seen small
Rarely found is such a light
That can outshine the darkest night
To this, we celebrate the right
Awakening from dream
A lonely night; filled with longing dreams
Of a distant sun, now hidden behind clouds
To feel the caressing touch of the sun
Grazing my skin with its warm soft touch
Upon a gentle breeze fragile fragrances linger
Of flowers beautiful, blooming in the summer
Whistles from the branches, green with leaves
Birds singing in the evening light, of dreams
To see the evening sky turn from pink to indigo
While the night settles over a glade in the forrest
Grasshoppers sitting on straw, greeting the night
A frog in a nearby stream, calling for his love
Soft words spoken in the dusk of a summer night
Of love so dear and tender, forever to be together
Slowly I realize and feel the linens surround me
Awakening to another day, in the Castle of Ice
Of words
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
Time passes by, a missing piece of friendship
Taken away, torn by the dreams of another
Not to be, a sorrow fills the shining heart
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
Did such a thing ever happen, to bring joy
Sadness casts shadows over the early morn
To loose what was held dear, in friendship
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
Time was precious, every moment enjoyed
Spending time, in easy talk and discussion
Building gently in trust, what now cannot be
Of words never spoken, feelings never felt
A friendship held dear, by those with hearts
Following the unspoken wish, of one beloved
Stepping back, accepting how it is, in grief
Breezes in the warm summer night, caresses my skin
Makes it tingle; sensations, shifting like a soft wind
Stars shine high above, casting light over a glade
Whispers in the night, messages of an unknown nature
Shadows move in the eve, barely seen, approaching
Filling the vision with dark forebodings and fears
Shivers of anxiety run down my spine, sending thrills
Of foreign nature through my body, trembling suddenly
Wrapping a blanket closely, trying to keep my warmth
Gazing about, hoping to see the light from the stars
Purging away dark tidings; of dangerous causes awaiting
Fearful of a future to come, will strength mine be enough
Alone on a pillow, hair spreading out like golden water
Unfitful dreams not remembered, sends drops running down
A lonely tear rolling slowly, from an eye closed in sleep
Fine lines of worry, furrow the forehead, worried, alone
Dreaming in the night, of words forbidden and fears unseen
Longing for gentler days, free of worry and questions
Awakening slowly, rising to face what awaits a shining heart
Bracing myself, making ready to do what must now be done
The Battle has not yet begun, against unjust imprisonment
In a dance of shadows, the like never seen outside this home
To take one step at the time, information must be sought
An angel of light rises, to stem the oncoming tide of dark
Of fears unspoken
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
A battle of light and dark, wielding a blade
Love felt so dearly, not to be compared again
Holding so closely, fearing to loose what is
Trembling silently, in lonely nights of cold
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Shadows fills the night, embracing in fear
Shining brightly, a lonely star standing strong
To surround a heart with love dearly, tender
Sharing words of love, in whispers secret
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Who are we to battle, against a tide of dark
Bracing readily, filled with strength of love true
An angel of salvation, standing ready to protect
Saving a fallen one, to free a soul from shadows
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Images of peaceful times, where love is true
Free of shadows, to dance in light ever happy
Standing side by side, ready to embrace a light
Sharing love so dearly, happily ever after
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Words must be spoken, to prepare in trust
Against what must come, time to break free
Together do we stand, stemming darkened tide
Darkness that must be stopped, in the light of love
Of fears unspoken, dreams not dared dreamt
Love fills us strongly, will be the liberator
To tear free a soul, from the shadows that dance
Golden light from a star shining, will never falter
Filled with love unfaltering, for a dancer so dear
Of friendships dear
Of friendships dear, of shadows deep
To meet, in the freezing night of cold
A warmth, a friend, is a treassure told
Of golden light and shining gems true
Held closely to the beating heart blue
Rarely found is such a light
That can outshine the darkest night
To this, we celebrate the right
Of friendships dear, of shadows deep
To hold so close, friendship so dear
Brings strength and peace to feel no fear
Securely held in friendly love, to rest
This can only be found among those best
Rarely found is such a light
That can outshine the darkest night
To this, we celebrate the right
Of friendships dear, of shadows deep
Slowly darkness of winter nights creep
Making the mountain to climp all to steep
In shadows that threatens to cover us all
Is a friendship that never is seen small
Rarely found is such a light
That can outshine the darkest night
To this, we celebrate the right
Old poems by Namida II
More of my Namida poems, these are written later on and some of the better as well.
Slowly rose petals open
Kissing the drops of warm rain
Expanding in joy
They shiver under the pressure
Growing to unknown heights
They take in life to the fullest
Loving embrace
Tender is the embrace
That surrounds me at night
Soft are the words
Which you whisper to my ear
Gently you caress my cheek
And smile at my eyes
Words can never express
How I feel for you
Stolen moments together
A secret love forbidden
How can we ever
Stay together out of hiding
Loving you so dearly
That I feel my heart burst
Kisses stolen in solitary moments
Expressing a love so deep
Embracing you forever
A deep love that can not die
Were we meant to stay together
Or is this just another dream
Lightly you touch my neck
Sending down shivers
Making me long again
For your tender touch
You stole my heart
Filling a hole that was torn
Forever I will be in your debt
For showing me what love is
You are part of my heart
Filling it with joy and light
You take me to the stars
Dancing with me in their light
Soft touches
Soft touches in the night
A temptation bringing right
Building to new heights
Not bringing any lights
A pain is all it will bring
True it will not ring
A heart shattered by fear
The truth it cannot hear
This should not be
As one can clearly see
Let's hold each other dear
In a way that bring no tear
Angel dancing
An angel dancing
Feeling love so great
Pain is brought
In ignorance of self
To love so many
Each one dearly
Tell me softly
What is the difference
Between you and I
To love
For the sake of love
To fill
A void inside
Seeking for something
We cannot define
So tell me
Where is the difference
Between you and I
Share your dance
A dance in the haze
A smile in the heart
Dreams might trouble
But light is always around
Don't fall to despair
It will only serve
Those with dark intents
A darkness creeps
Threatening us
To loose hope and faith
To loose sight of light
Let the haze dance
Like butterflies over flowers
Will you share your dance with me?
Fallen leaves scattered on the ground.
Swirling around by a strong wind.
Showing patterns that never settle.
Telling tales of a summer long forgotten.
Get them back on the tree.
And you will finally see.
A star
A star shines brightly in the night
Leads the feet of those who seek
Awaits the right moment, a message from afar
Will it happen this night or never be
Gazes upon the sky, searching quietly
Watching stars trail by, one by one
Feels the cold wind caress a cheek
Reminds of a soft touch, from one held dear
A star shines brightly in the night
Can it light the path for one who searches
Awaiting patiently, never giving up hope
Dances silently in the night, shining bright
Dancing among the stars
In ever joy over life
She dances like a swan
In happiness and love
Light shines ever so brightly
Radiating like from a star
A dreamy smile crosses her lips
The day is full of joy
Oh, come to me, oh world
Let me share my hope with you
Love shines in my heart
Embraces and surrounds me
She dances happily among the stars
Love and hope again in her life
Two swans meet and embrace
Daring to take a step together
The stars twirls around in joy
And she dances happily among them
Forever full of hope and courage
A star-dancer is dancing the dance of love
Dreams do come true
Among rose petals
Happiness abound in love
Dancing among rose petals so fragile
A day full of golden light
Pushing away any darkness that lingers
Forgetting of fear and hate
For moments held in tender embraces
Smiles dances upon lips
Meeting in tenderness and love found
Dancing happily in joy full
Surrounding arms holds a loved one close
Given freely is a shining heart
Dancing in joy over the golden light of love
A happy day of true beauty
Rarely are they filled with light so golden
A treasure to take to heart
Dances in love among stars shining brightly
Dreams bring us forward
Remembering the past gives us enlightenment
Spring will come to those who seek
But watch your footsteps, as enemies lurk
Slowly rose petals open
Kissing the drops of warm rain
Expanding in joy
They shiver under the pressure
Growing to unknown heights
They take in life to the fullest
Loving embrace
Tender is the embrace
That surrounds me at night
Soft are the words
Which you whisper to my ear
Gently you caress my cheek
And smile at my eyes
Words can never express
How I feel for you
Stolen moments together
A secret love forbidden
How can we ever
Stay together out of hiding
Loving you so dearly
That I feel my heart burst
Kisses stolen in solitary moments
Expressing a love so deep
Embracing you forever
A deep love that can not die
Were we meant to stay together
Or is this just another dream
Lightly you touch my neck
Sending down shivers
Making me long again
For your tender touch
You stole my heart
Filling a hole that was torn
Forever I will be in your debt
For showing me what love is
You are part of my heart
Filling it with joy and light
You take me to the stars
Dancing with me in their light
Soft touches
Soft touches in the night
A temptation bringing right
Building to new heights
Not bringing any lights
A pain is all it will bring
True it will not ring
A heart shattered by fear
The truth it cannot hear
This should not be
As one can clearly see
Let's hold each other dear
In a way that bring no tear
Angel dancing
An angel dancing
Feeling love so great
Pain is brought
In ignorance of self
To love so many
Each one dearly
Tell me softly
What is the difference
Between you and I
To love
For the sake of love
To fill
A void inside
Seeking for something
We cannot define
So tell me
Where is the difference
Between you and I
Share your dance
A dance in the haze
A smile in the heart
Dreams might trouble
But light is always around
Don't fall to despair
It will only serve
Those with dark intents
A darkness creeps
Threatening us
To loose hope and faith
To loose sight of light
Let the haze dance
Like butterflies over flowers
Will you share your dance with me?
Fallen leaves scattered on the ground.
Swirling around by a strong wind.
Showing patterns that never settle.
Telling tales of a summer long forgotten.
Get them back on the tree.
And you will finally see.
A star
A star shines brightly in the night
Leads the feet of those who seek
Awaits the right moment, a message from afar
Will it happen this night or never be
Gazes upon the sky, searching quietly
Watching stars trail by, one by one
Feels the cold wind caress a cheek
Reminds of a soft touch, from one held dear
A star shines brightly in the night
Can it light the path for one who searches
Awaiting patiently, never giving up hope
Dances silently in the night, shining bright
Dancing among the stars
In ever joy over life
She dances like a swan
In happiness and love
Light shines ever so brightly
Radiating like from a star
A dreamy smile crosses her lips
The day is full of joy
Oh, come to me, oh world
Let me share my hope with you
Love shines in my heart
Embraces and surrounds me
She dances happily among the stars
Love and hope again in her life
Two swans meet and embrace
Daring to take a step together
The stars twirls around in joy
And she dances happily among them
Forever full of hope and courage
A star-dancer is dancing the dance of love
Dreams do come true
Among rose petals
Happiness abound in love
Dancing among rose petals so fragile
A day full of golden light
Pushing away any darkness that lingers
Forgetting of fear and hate
For moments held in tender embraces
Smiles dances upon lips
Meeting in tenderness and love found
Dancing happily in joy full
Surrounding arms holds a loved one close
Given freely is a shining heart
Dancing in joy over the golden light of love
A happy day of true beauty
Rarely are they filled with light so golden
A treasure to take to heart
Dances in love among stars shining brightly
Dreams bring us forward
Remembering the past gives us enlightenment
Spring will come to those who seek
But watch your footsteps, as enemies lurk
Old poems by Namida I
Looking through some old documents I found some of the poems I wrote several years ago as the character Namida in a game called Castle Marrach. She was hopelessly in love, rather dramatic, naive and devious at the same time. Lots of passion and a dreamer with a capital D. Below are some of the poems she wrote during her years alive. She wrote many more, but most got sent to other characters in the game and as such I no longer have them. I unfortunately don't have any dates on them, but they were written between 2002 and 2005.
Namida became a liked and deeply involved character in the game, writing many books and poems. Later poems, especially during 2004 became deeper and more adult as she experienced love and betrayal, intrigue and mystery, anger and hate. I hope I'll be able to find these again.
I write that the poems were written by Namida. I played the character and like any good actor, became the character while I played. It was her feelings and thoughts, her actions and reactions which brought the poems to light. Without her experiences and emotions I wouldn't have written them. As is the nature of roleplaying, much of what happened to her and how she reacted were reflections and symptoms of how my real life was going too and how I felt on many different levels, hence the poems become interesting mirrors of me at the time.
I am waiting for you
The shy smiling person
That showed me around my first day
You said you where my friend
But you haven't responded
To any of my messages
Where are you
My friend
I miss you
I wander alone
Through dark halls
Smiling at people
But hiding my sad feelings
My friend
You kissed my hand
You gave me a red flower
Where are you now
I am waiting for you
Longing to see you
Wanting to share my life with you
Did you leave me once again
My friend
I am waiting
This was the first poem written in the game and by my character back in November 2002 when her first friend just disappeared and I lost contact with the player who introduced me to the game. The following poems are all from her early days.
I wander round these halls
Shy and smiling
Awaiting something to happen
Awaiting my destiny
I smile at you
Curtsy delightedly
Waiting for your response
A demon strikes
Hurting you
And my heart bleeds for you
Standing helpless
Can only try to comfort
Give you a smile
And give you a flower
What am I
If not just another victim
Of this place
The love long is gone
It flew away in the wind
Left me alone
Not coming back to me
I wander alone
Seeking you forever
Knowing that
I will never find you
You are lost my love
Forever out of my grasp
You left me
Cutting our bonds
You choose another path
Leaving me behind
I choose my path
Fulfilling my destiny
I wander alone
Knowing I will not find true love
Never will my heart be full
Because you are alone
I will never find love
True love left me long ago
I'm forever doomed
To wander around alone
I might find happiness
I might find caring feelings
But never will my heart be
Filled with everlasting love
A smile and a laugh
A meeting between two friends
Getting to know each other
We will meet
When faith pulls us together
Be patient my friend
Nothing comes from nothing
Thou are lucky
To find love so readily
Waiting for Thou
Happiness in Thy quest
Dreams do come true
Yours are the path to follow
Mine goes another way
Love washes over me
Like a tidal wave
Drenching me to the bone
Leaving me fatigued
Looking out the ocean
Seeing a wave ride by
Leaving me here alone
On a dry and barren beach
I was hoping to see you
But you never showed
I miss your company
And hope to see you soon
Lonely I wander
Around these halls
Hoping to see
Someone to love
Dreams follow me around
Memories trying to drown me
Feelings wash over me
Love never drowns
Give me my life
Bring it back to me
My love, why did you leave
You left me all alone
Give love back to me
Bring me my dreams
Let me be ever happy
And forget this loneliness
Looking for love
Hoping to find
Find what was lost to me
So long ago
A look
A shy smile
The sun shines
Nothing will be the same
Is he here
The one I lost?
Am I forever doomed
To wander alone?
Does that smile belong
Is he the same
Allow me my love
Give me my happiness
I am longing
To fill the empty hole
Something happened
A spark of magic
Whispering in the wind
Tears of Love
Through star and void
Flows thoughts and feelings
Dreams fly up
Reaching for the sky
Trying Love once more.
Dreaming at night
Seeing you in the bright light
Wandering towards you
Hoping to find
Waking in emptiness
Missing you once more
The void is empty
Seeking true Love
Your words warm my heart
Makes my voice tremble
Butterflies fly
Over windy peaks
Stars whirls
Moons dances
Eyes sees hope again
Love penetrate the cold
Dreams might yet come tru
Love is a dream come true
It will forever fly
Stars pass by
Making joy live fullest in my heart
The above poems is the first 16 poems that were published by Namida in the game and as such from the first half year or less of playing, which means 2002 and early 2003. She was alone and seeking love, lost and confused, and I think it rather clearly reflects how I felt at the time, fleeing into a world of fantasy and romance to avoid dealing with a marriage which was abusive and a life feeling rather lonely. Playing the character Namida allowed me to explore different human relations and realize that I could be liked and respected as a person as she was an ideal version of myself.
The following 7 were from another book she wrote during 2003 as part of a language project.
Shooting star
Blazing over the sky
A trail of stardust
Shimmers over the sky
Bringing message of the future
Love, hope and devotion
Strengths to our hearts
A star over the sky
Gives hope to young and old
To be cherished above all
Gives you hope and light high
Holds you when you need it
Never letting you go
Tender embrace soothes the broken heart
Gives strength to those in pain
Always there whenever in need
Friendship forever will be
Tender embrace
Holding you tight
Love grows
Bringing you light
Snow falls from winter sky
In the silent night
Warm is the sense of love
That you can not fight
A silent look
A gesture of surprise
Tender was the smile
Bringing one home
A recognition
Days filled with happiness
Smiles and love
That is my daughter
Amusement you bring
To low and to king
Smiles you give
To make us live
You bring happiness
You bring merriness
Without you around
All would be too sound
Thank you for being here
You are truly dear
Nothing can compare
You are very rare
Silently it falls
Snow to the ground
Covers all about
Hides what was hurt
Beautifully it falls
Glistering like diamonds
Making me wonder
If anything is precious
Love gives all
Reason to live
Reason to give
Keeps you sane
Gives you more
Gently it is
Doing what it must
These following two poems are likely written in 2005.
The sun shines over a lonely path
Two travellers meet on a cross-road
Smilingly they dance together
Feeling a wonder of something special
Longing to see those eyes again
Longing to sense that smile once more
A healing has begun this day
That will bring happiness in the sunshine
Time to close the chapter of the past
Time to open the book on a new page
Leaving behind what was of wounds and hurts
Opening the new path for two to be shared
The dance
The dance continues
Sometimes filled
With streaks of darkness
A pain lingers still
Can it be taken away
Your eyes sparkle
With a light so bright
Shines upon my path
Eases my pain so easily
Wonders how
The dance continues
Shedding light
Guiding a new path
Filling me with hope
Can the pain be taken away
The Walls have ears and eyes
The cats are said to be spies
Friends or foes
Can you tell who in the shadow goes
Nothing is ever as it appears
Loves that will end in tears
Who will in the shadows hide
One on your side or the other side
Friends turn foes, foes turn friends
Who will be able to tell how it all ends
Darkness covers
Embraces you in it's
Tender embraces
Timeless love
Forever together
Never alone
Tender embraces
Kisses in the night
I love you
And you love me
That's humanity
That's how humans are
That's what keeps them alive
I love you
And I wish that I had met you earlier
You are a part of my life
And you always will
How can I show you
How much I love you
What can I do
Tell me
And I'll learn how to love
I'll kiss you
And then I'll miss you
I promise
I'll fight
I'll fight for my love and life
I won't let you down
Because I love you
I want you
I need you
I love you
Stay with me and you wont regret
I love you
Angels fly and devils fall
Stars swirl around dark holes
Fatally attracted, falling in
What will it be
For the lonely angelic star
Shining upon the part of gentleness
What can I say
Waiting every day
For you to appear
To take away my fear
Never do I see you
Namida became a liked and deeply involved character in the game, writing many books and poems. Later poems, especially during 2004 became deeper and more adult as she experienced love and betrayal, intrigue and mystery, anger and hate. I hope I'll be able to find these again.
I write that the poems were written by Namida. I played the character and like any good actor, became the character while I played. It was her feelings and thoughts, her actions and reactions which brought the poems to light. Without her experiences and emotions I wouldn't have written them. As is the nature of roleplaying, much of what happened to her and how she reacted were reflections and symptoms of how my real life was going too and how I felt on many different levels, hence the poems become interesting mirrors of me at the time.
I am waiting for you
The shy smiling person
That showed me around my first day
You said you where my friend
But you haven't responded
To any of my messages
Where are you
My friend
I miss you
I wander alone
Through dark halls
Smiling at people
But hiding my sad feelings
My friend
You kissed my hand
You gave me a red flower
Where are you now
I am waiting for you
Longing to see you
Wanting to share my life with you
Did you leave me once again
My friend
I am waiting
This was the first poem written in the game and by my character back in November 2002 when her first friend just disappeared and I lost contact with the player who introduced me to the game. The following poems are all from her early days.
I wander round these halls
Shy and smiling
Awaiting something to happen
Awaiting my destiny
I smile at you
Curtsy delightedly
Waiting for your response
A demon strikes
Hurting you
And my heart bleeds for you
Standing helpless
Can only try to comfort
Give you a smile
And give you a flower
What am I
If not just another victim
Of this place
The love long is gone
It flew away in the wind
Left me alone
Not coming back to me
I wander alone
Seeking you forever
Knowing that
I will never find you
You are lost my love
Forever out of my grasp
You left me
Cutting our bonds
You choose another path
Leaving me behind
I choose my path
Fulfilling my destiny
I wander alone
Knowing I will not find true love
Never will my heart be full
Because you are alone
I will never find love
True love left me long ago
I'm forever doomed
To wander around alone
I might find happiness
I might find caring feelings
But never will my heart be
Filled with everlasting love
A smile and a laugh
A meeting between two friends
Getting to know each other
We will meet
When faith pulls us together
Be patient my friend
Nothing comes from nothing
Thou are lucky
To find love so readily
Waiting for Thou
Happiness in Thy quest
Dreams do come true
Yours are the path to follow
Mine goes another way
Love washes over me
Like a tidal wave
Drenching me to the bone
Leaving me fatigued
Looking out the ocean
Seeing a wave ride by
Leaving me here alone
On a dry and barren beach
I was hoping to see you
But you never showed
I miss your company
And hope to see you soon
Lonely I wander
Around these halls
Hoping to see
Someone to love
Dreams follow me around
Memories trying to drown me
Feelings wash over me
Love never drowns
Give me my life
Bring it back to me
My love, why did you leave
You left me all alone
Give love back to me
Bring me my dreams
Let me be ever happy
And forget this loneliness
Looking for love
Hoping to find
Find what was lost to me
So long ago
A look
A shy smile
The sun shines
Nothing will be the same
Is he here
The one I lost?
Am I forever doomed
To wander alone?
Does that smile belong
Is he the same
Allow me my love
Give me my happiness
I am longing
To fill the empty hole
Something happened
A spark of magic
Whispering in the wind
Tears of Love
Through star and void
Flows thoughts and feelings
Dreams fly up
Reaching for the sky
Trying Love once more.
Dreaming at night
Seeing you in the bright light
Wandering towards you
Hoping to find
Waking in emptiness
Missing you once more
The void is empty
Seeking true Love
Your words warm my heart
Makes my voice tremble
Butterflies fly
Over windy peaks
Stars whirls
Moons dances
Eyes sees hope again
Love penetrate the cold
Dreams might yet come tru
Love is a dream come true
It will forever fly
Stars pass by
Making joy live fullest in my heart
The above poems is the first 16 poems that were published by Namida in the game and as such from the first half year or less of playing, which means 2002 and early 2003. She was alone and seeking love, lost and confused, and I think it rather clearly reflects how I felt at the time, fleeing into a world of fantasy and romance to avoid dealing with a marriage which was abusive and a life feeling rather lonely. Playing the character Namida allowed me to explore different human relations and realize that I could be liked and respected as a person as she was an ideal version of myself.
The following 7 were from another book she wrote during 2003 as part of a language project.
Shooting star
Blazing over the sky
A trail of stardust
Shimmers over the sky
Bringing message of the future
Love, hope and devotion
Strengths to our hearts
A star over the sky
Gives hope to young and old
To be cherished above all
Gives you hope and light high
Holds you when you need it
Never letting you go
Tender embrace soothes the broken heart
Gives strength to those in pain
Always there whenever in need
Friendship forever will be
Tender embrace
Holding you tight
Love grows
Bringing you light
Snow falls from winter sky
In the silent night
Warm is the sense of love
That you can not fight
A silent look
A gesture of surprise
Tender was the smile
Bringing one home
A recognition
Days filled with happiness
Smiles and love
That is my daughter
Amusement you bring
To low and to king
Smiles you give
To make us live
You bring happiness
You bring merriness
Without you around
All would be too sound
Thank you for being here
You are truly dear
Nothing can compare
You are very rare
Silently it falls
Snow to the ground
Covers all about
Hides what was hurt
Beautifully it falls
Glistering like diamonds
Making me wonder
If anything is precious
Love gives all
Reason to live
Reason to give
Keeps you sane
Gives you more
Gently it is
Doing what it must
These following two poems are likely written in 2005.
The sun shines over a lonely path
Two travellers meet on a cross-road
Smilingly they dance together
Feeling a wonder of something special
Longing to see those eyes again
Longing to sense that smile once more
A healing has begun this day
That will bring happiness in the sunshine
Time to close the chapter of the past
Time to open the book on a new page
Leaving behind what was of wounds and hurts
Opening the new path for two to be shared
The dance
The dance continues
Sometimes filled
With streaks of darkness
A pain lingers still
Can it be taken away
Your eyes sparkle
With a light so bright
Shines upon my path
Eases my pain so easily
Wonders how
The dance continues
Shedding light
Guiding a new path
Filling me with hope
Can the pain be taken away
The Walls have ears and eyes
The cats are said to be spies
Friends or foes
Can you tell who in the shadow goes
Nothing is ever as it appears
Loves that will end in tears
Who will in the shadows hide
One on your side or the other side
Friends turn foes, foes turn friends
Who will be able to tell how it all ends
Darkness covers
Embraces you in it's
Tender embraces
Timeless love
Forever together
Never alone
Tender embraces
Kisses in the night
I love you
And you love me
That's humanity
That's how humans are
That's what keeps them alive
I love you
And I wish that I had met you earlier
You are a part of my life
And you always will
How can I show you
How much I love you
What can I do
Tell me
And I'll learn how to love
I'll kiss you
And then I'll miss you
I promise
I'll fight
I'll fight for my love and life
I won't let you down
Because I love you
I want you
I need you
I love you
Stay with me and you wont regret
I love you
Angels fly and devils fall
Stars swirl around dark holes
Fatally attracted, falling in
What will it be
For the lonely angelic star
Shining upon the part of gentleness
What can I say
Waiting every day
For you to appear
To take away my fear
Never do I see you
Confusion and pain, where is what
Behind you or by your side
Was it your companion for how long?
Fight and battle, so long did we join
Partners with passion caught in the fight
Catch the dreams, catch the hope
Where will that bring you, do you know?
Does the dream fade now?
Did it fly out of the window?
Break free of the prison
But the road ahead is dark
Are the lights shown true or false
What can you trust on that day?
As always, the future is unknown
Would someone give a hint anyway?
Hurts and wounds, who but I can heal them?
Can it be done without passion?
Without hope?
Here I come.
Behind you or by your side
Was it your companion for how long?
Fight and battle, so long did we join
Partners with passion caught in the fight
Catch the dreams, catch the hope
Where will that bring you, do you know?
Does the dream fade now?
Did it fly out of the window?
Break free of the prison
But the road ahead is dark
Are the lights shown true or false
What can you trust on that day?
As always, the future is unknown
Would someone give a hint anyway?
Hurts and wounds, who but I can heal them?
Can it be done without passion?
Without hope?
Here I come.
Flying away
She ran away upon a sunny day of spring
The birds were singing the tones of freedom
In anger the last words were spoken
Before the ways parted for real
So much pain and anger, so much frustration
Built over time
Now the day finally arrived
She could stay no longer
The wind carried scents from far horizons
dreams of freedom and joy
Away they went with the clouds
The darkness lifting to the sky
No longer would she say unhappy
But now for the true healing to find
No more bleeding, let the wounds finally close
And bring with them the peace deep within
So upon the day of spring she spread out her wings
Finally flying way from home.
The birds were singing the tones of freedom
In anger the last words were spoken
Before the ways parted for real
So much pain and anger, so much frustration
Built over time
Now the day finally arrived
She could stay no longer
The wind carried scents from far horizons
dreams of freedom and joy
Away they went with the clouds
The darkness lifting to the sky
No longer would she say unhappy
But now for the true healing to find
No more bleeding, let the wounds finally close
And bring with them the peace deep within
So upon the day of spring she spread out her wings
Finally flying way from home.
Taking flight
Anger and frustration, boiling over like milk in a pot
Tearing away and destroying, breaking free of bonds too tight
Out and away like a bird set free, into the sun hoping to fly
Finding healing and comfort, away from the ashy daily life
Too long to have been caught, in necessity and sense
Now finally a chance to let go, and nourish what has so long starved
While sun shines and air is fresh
Out of the cage, imposed by practicality
Perhaps now the true path to healing has been embarked
While following desires and longings
Where the wind carries no one can tell
Letting go of control, to experience what will come
Out of the cage finally, will the pains subside
And the past be put behind
To the hope the wings spread out
Taking flight into the sky while the sun shines.
Tearing away and destroying, breaking free of bonds too tight
Out and away like a bird set free, into the sun hoping to fly
Finding healing and comfort, away from the ashy daily life
Too long to have been caught, in necessity and sense
Now finally a chance to let go, and nourish what has so long starved
While sun shines and air is fresh
Out of the cage, imposed by practicality
Perhaps now the true path to healing has been embarked
While following desires and longings
Where the wind carries no one can tell
Letting go of control, to experience what will come
Out of the cage finally, will the pains subside
And the past be put behind
To the hope the wings spread out
Taking flight into the sky while the sun shines.
Four elements
The wind carries away all my worries
Each touch a caress that removes the pains and sadness
The sun fills me with warmth
Putting life in the empty voids, creates passion and fire inside
The water nourishes me
Gives me depth and understanding, Through water the true emotions arise
The earth grounds me
Gives me a strong foundation upon which, I can build my dream.
Together they become Being
Without which none of us can live
Together they become Love and Happiness.
Each touch a caress that removes the pains and sadness
The sun fills me with warmth
Putting life in the empty voids, creates passion and fire inside
The water nourishes me
Gives me depth and understanding, Through water the true emotions arise
The earth grounds me
Gives me a strong foundation upon which, I can build my dream.
Together they become Being
Without which none of us can live
Together they become Love and Happiness.
Wind in my hair
Wind in my hair, the sound of falling water
Greening trees rise up to the clear sky
Only dotted by a few white patterns
Spring lies over the city, the buzz has changed
Or is it I who sees things differently?
People pass by, living in their own worlds
Do they sense the change in the air?
Do they feel the difference?
The sound of water falling, a fountain in the park
Soothing the sound, almost meditative
Carries my thoughts to other lands.
Wind carry with you my thoughts and feelings
Far away to another place
Where the sound of water falling
Fills the air in a city of spring
Find there my destination,
Where I one day will live and die.
Greening trees rise up to the clear sky
Only dotted by a few white patterns
Spring lies over the city, the buzz has changed
Or is it I who sees things differently?
People pass by, living in their own worlds
Do they sense the change in the air?
Do they feel the difference?
The sound of water falling, a fountain in the park
Soothing the sound, almost meditative
Carries my thoughts to other lands.
Wind carry with you my thoughts and feelings
Far away to another place
Where the sound of water falling
Fills the air in a city of spring
Find there my destination,
Where I one day will live and die.
An ache deep down in my stomach, sitting there as a hole of hunger
This longing day for day, waiting for the time when we will meet again
Through this time of trial, time of patience so bitter-sweet
Testing my decision, challenging my stamina
Only you can soothe the ache, only you can fill the hole
The hole that you left behind, last we parted ways.
This longing day for day, waiting for the time when we will meet again
Through this time of trial, time of patience so bitter-sweet
Testing my decision, challenging my stamina
Only you can soothe the ache, only you can fill the hole
The hole that you left behind, last we parted ways.
To you I give myself.
My pledge lasting forever.
A promise of love and loyalty,
of trust and dedication.
Between us those words are spoken
Binding us tighter together.
No bonds tie us against our will,
but the ones we bind ourselves.
I am yours and will always be,
my heart will allow me no other.
I your arms I am complete,
and know that life is amazing.
Such is my love to you,
a gift freely given.
My pledge lasting forever.
A promise of love and loyalty,
of trust and dedication.
Between us those words are spoken
Binding us tighter together.
No bonds tie us against our will,
but the ones we bind ourselves.
I am yours and will always be,
my heart will allow me no other.
I your arms I am complete,
and know that life is amazing.
Such is my love to you,
a gift freely given.
Clear laughter
Laughter like bells ring out,
to the sun, a bright face into the wind.
Hand in hand we walk,
together enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Your voice is clear,
like a thousand crystals,
as you tell me of your day.
Frequent stopping as you pluck me a gift,
flowers of spring do not escape your hand.
Beautiful is the collection you present,
a display of your love for me.
Eyes shining, you look upon my face
and I can respond only with love.
Dedication and a bond between us,
stronger than a thousand chains.
That is the love of mother and her daughter.
to the sun, a bright face into the wind.
Hand in hand we walk,
together enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Your voice is clear,
like a thousand crystals,
as you tell me of your day.
Frequent stopping as you pluck me a gift,
flowers of spring do not escape your hand.
Beautiful is the collection you present,
a display of your love for me.
Eyes shining, you look upon my face
and I can respond only with love.
Dedication and a bond between us,
stronger than a thousand chains.
That is the love of mother and her daughter.
Changing Seasons
Slowly they wander over the sky,
leaving clear trails showing their silent paths.
Tracking by the eye one particularly clear,
unspoken words fly upon the wind,
whirling about as fallen autumn leaves.
Clear is the crisp night,
as the seasons draw to an end.
Promises of a new life to come,
walks in the footsteps of spring.
With each blooming flower now hope unfolds.
Green leaves a symbol of the life that swells inside.
Now the day draws close,
the beginning of the new era,
where dreams again come true and alive.
leaving clear trails showing their silent paths.
Tracking by the eye one particularly clear,
unspoken words fly upon the wind,
whirling about as fallen autumn leaves.
Clear is the crisp night,
as the seasons draw to an end.
Promises of a new life to come,
walks in the footsteps of spring.
With each blooming flower now hope unfolds.
Green leaves a symbol of the life that swells inside.
Now the day draws close,
the beginning of the new era,
where dreams again come true and alive.
Lying upon pillow the head
Lazy hand through loose hair sliding
Dreamily the eyes gaze afar
Fondly smiles play over lips again longing
Daydreams slowly come and go
Memories make the heart aflutter
Softly the hands reach out to you
To grasp what is so closely sensed
A tight hug in remembrance
A kiss flung into the air
Words spoken with intense passion
Dear promises given where they belong
One night soon it will pass
Recalling no longer what was
But instead in flesh and blood
Living the hours truly in devotion.
Lazy hand through loose hair sliding
Dreamily the eyes gaze afar
Fondly smiles play over lips again longing
Daydreams slowly come and go
Memories make the heart aflutter
Softly the hands reach out to you
To grasp what is so closely sensed
A tight hug in remembrance
A kiss flung into the air
Words spoken with intense passion
Dear promises given where they belong
One night soon it will pass
Recalling no longer what was
But instead in flesh and blood
Living the hours truly in devotion.
Tied together
Tied together you and I, forever bound by fate.
This which is was meant to be
And cannot be avoided.
This which is was meant to be
And cannot be avoided.
In the silent hours
In the silent hours of the night
When all seem truly darkest
And hope might have flown away
Through the window you left open
Then upon the inky sky
Alone and in greatest majesty
A shooting star will swiftly pass by
Anew crying out bright words of hope
Alive the seeds fall to the ground
Long parched by bitter despair
Softly as summer rain in drops
Feeding thirst and hunger
High up in the sky voices rise
The heart alight with visions
Deep trust what will come
Once again is kindled.
When all seem truly darkest
And hope might have flown away
Through the window you left open
Then upon the inky sky
Alone and in greatest majesty
A shooting star will swiftly pass by
Anew crying out bright words of hope
Alive the seeds fall to the ground
Long parched by bitter despair
Softly as summer rain in drops
Feeding thirst and hunger
High up in the sky voices rise
The heart alight with visions
Deep trust what will come
Once again is kindled.
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