

Exploring the world which is opening before me.
Taking a step at a time, what will appear beyond the horizon?
Exciting this is, a discovery of passions and desires, of dreams and wants.
Treading upon new ground, paths formed in the green grass,
walking towards the distant sights, one step at a time.

To try new things, to explore the unknown.
Revelation upon revelation, new things learned and felt.
Every day something else, life can never become the same again, will not remain.
Change is completely upon me and cannot be reversed.
Here and now upon a fascinating journey, one step at a time.

New worlds open, opportunities arise.
All I need to do is to open my eyes, and see what now comes.
Lying before me, everything ready to pluck, fruits ripe and juicy if only I take.
What to choose, what to pick, the decisions are only mine.
Endless possibilities awaiting me, one step at a time.

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