The house next to us is to be demolished and a small apartment complex be built instead. Those living there are strangely secluded and unknowns. The place has been for sale for over a year, but no buyers were interested in the building. It's too too ugly.
On a Sunday the demolishing team arrives and begin to knock over some walls down by the far end of the garden. I suddenly notice that the area isn't abandoned. Somebody are still there and the place doesn't have the deserted look you'd expect.
I go over there and notice there's a stable and go inside. In tiny pens animals are held. Some calves who seem to be starving, certainly mistreated. I look around to find some milk substitute so I can give them something to eat. But no luck. There are some goats in a cramped space, seemingly half dead and as I look into the darkness, I notice a dried up corpse of an old many lying with the goats. There seems to be other corpses there as well. Exploring the stable I notice other animals, all mistreated and kept under very poor conditions.
Quickly I find the leader of the demolishing team and explain to him what I've discovered. I tell to call a veterinary and the police. We have to see if the animals can be saved or if it's too late, and the dead bodies is a police matter.
I can't really figure out if those living there have moved yet or not. The father of the family died a while ago and that's why they've been selling as far as I gather. There are some people around, and in the courtyard a flee-market is going on. Neighbours drop by to buy a few things. Nobody seems to care about the animals though or their condition.
The vet comes and I show him all my discoveries. He is appealed as well and goes to work instantly. The horses have been mistreated as well and one seems to bind himself to me instantly. I pet him and caress him and a bond is created between us. I can't help but love this small horse and he seems to need me and want me. He's a dun with dark tail and mane.
We're told by one that the father of the family used to take the animals out one hour a day to the wooden area at the end of the garden. That was all, and not always every day either. Sometimes he'd take an animal, especially one of the deer, and shoot it, using the meat for dinner.
I try to find a way to rescue these poor abused animals and talk to the vet about it. There must be some place and I suggest and auction where the money goes to charity or some such. I try to find a solution for my horse who keeps following me, though living in a small apartment with a tiny garden isn't suitable. He needs me close and a lot, so a stable far away wouldn't be good either.
The dream fades and mixes with other dreams as my daughter tries to wake me and I slumber a bit longer.
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