Feeling lost, groping around in the dark, no longer knowing the way
The clear light that shone is hidden behind bends and turns
Paths merge and split, circle around only to lead nowhere
This labyrinth of life is seems to have no clear way to go nor destination
I am lost within this maze of maybes and closed opportunities
The doors appear locked, no keys and I lack the strength to open them
Keyholes hidden, the tools to pick the locks lost or broken apart
Is there an unlocked door, a handle I can try that'll give away freely?
Where am I going, what way am I turning, shall I walk forth or back?
Did I take the wrong turn, and where did I lose count of the doors?
My guide is gone, the light disappeared, behind a wall, around the corner
So clearly I thought I saw the way, knew what turns and doors to take
Now I've turned around so many times that I no longer know forth from back
I became blinded by the darkness inside, the confusion and uncertainty.
Standing here by yet another crossroad, not knowing right from left
All doors seem closed, the paths are completely dark, standing here alone
Which way shall I walk? Where do I want to go?
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