
More Mandalas

Oil on canvas, my first mandala attempt and design
 Finally I finished my oil painting mandala. That is the first mandala I worked on and fully my own design. I created it before I received my mandala book to have a fresh mind and approach to how to make a mandala. The focus on this one is the colours and it's taken me some 3 weeks to paint in order to wait for different layers of paint to dry.

Variation of the Yantra for meditation on the Gayatri Mantra
Another watercolour yantra. It's taken from my book, but I added the circle to create more harmony and let the grid extend beyond the circle. I'm not too satisfied with the grid part. I'll have to do some more variations and see what comes of it.



Tibetan mandala of Vajrayogini, female Buddha
I've become fascinated by Mandalas and have begun to paint them. These two are the first I have completed, and are both in aquarelle (water colours). I've coloured them with special water-colour pencils and then used brush and water to paint them. Small projects where it almost takes more time to outline the pattern in the mandala than it takes to colour them.
Tibetan mandala of Vajrayogini - a pink/purple version for my daughter
After doing my first one, my daughter wanted one for herself in her favourite colours, so of course I had to create another with lots of pinks and purples. It's now hanging in her room and she loves it.

Yantra of the goddess Durga
Today I was a bit more courageous and did one of the mandalas which are a bit more complicated. I cheated a bit and made half circles instead of lotus leaves in this one. I think the result is rather good though. This yantra should be powerful for attaining desires, remove difficulties and conquer enemies. It bestows wealth and protects the person from sorts of dangers. Let's see if it works, it now hangs on the wall behind my workstation.

I came across this book "World Mandalas" in a French art supply shop, but didn't buy it then. When I came home from the shop it was still in my head and I went online to order the English version. It has lots of inspiration and ideas for mandalas and also tells where the examples are from, giving you a chance to research the background of each one.

The book does suggest that you colour the mandalas in the book, but I'll rather copy them onto another media and thereby be able to do the same mandala several times.

I am quite enjoying painting them, even if some of the mandalas are very daunting to copy. Some are so beautiful and complex.

I'll share the oil-paintings I'm working on when they're done. There are two in progress with my own mandala-inspired designs; the repeat patterns, symmetry, and circles.


A day in my life

I sit here in my beautiful kitchen with my cup of tea and a light healthy breakfast just finished. I feel great after the night in the arms of my one special love and the light exercise and meditation before the shower. I'm happy and content, feeling good about the day ahead of me, pleased with and grateful for the day yesterday. A breeze wafts in through the open doors to the garden and brings with it the fragrances of herbs growing on and around the terrace.

The sun shines on my garden with flowers in full bloom. It will be another amazing day. I live in a beautiful house with my family and we are happy to live here. The garden is large, though not more than I can easily manage it with the help from our children and my beloved. I can afford to hire a gardener, but enjoy doing most of the work myself. It is peaceful and private, close to nature, yet easily accessible for visitors. Our property is located close to a forest, just 10 minutes walk away. The garden of my house, as well as the neighbours give the impression that I am in the middle of a park. The kitchen-patch is full of produce. Fruit trees and berry bushes are scattered over the grounds, making both birds and humans happy. The children love to grow their own vegetables and I must admit we enjoy eating it. They are so proud when they bring in a salad for dinner, or a bowl of strawberries for a pie that we bake together.

At the end of the grounds, close to the road lies another building which has been transformed into a wellness clinic. There are 4 treatment rooms, a large class room, reception, showers and a sauna. It is ideal for our business and I have a three free-lance body-workers working there. This morning my beloved hosts a body-work class and in the afternoon one of my free-lancers will be doing yoga with her students in the class room. It is nice to work so close to home and it allows us to spend more time with our children. Another benefit is that it's easy to arrange for wellness days and week-ends with other body-workers. Once every month we are a group of body-workers and friends coming together to exchange massages and healing, learn from each other and just relax and enjoy the time together.

Today I feel inspired and full of energy and have a strong urge to start writing. I must admit I feel like this most mornings. If I don't, I just go into my garden for some gardening or into my atelier to paint for a while, and I feel instantly recharged. My creativity is bubbling, willing me to put my fingers to the keyboard even if I'm not yet done with my tea. I need to write, it's a drive in me.

This morning I write another chapter of my book. It's almost finished and my publisher is impatient to read it. I'm very happy about the work I've done, telling a story that is so important to me and which has been with me for so long. My first book is bringing in a pleasant steady income every month and has sold very well this last year. I have success as a writer.

I am glad that I have a buffer with my articles, as the book is becoming more and more insistent on being written. Normally I spend an hour working on my articles and then two hours on my books. But a big burst of inspiration last week had me write 10 articles over 3 mornings, so I know I can finish the first draft of my book before I need to think about writing another article.

My massage and wellness articles are very popular and they now bring in a steady income from advertising and from being sold to magazines and other publications. Between my book and articles, I don't really need to work, and I can manage just fine. Healing is my calling and I love to give stone treatments, coaching and guidance. It is desire and passion that drives me and it makes me feel complete and whole. I work with my stones every day and with every client. Even on my days off I spend at least half an hour every morning with my stones. They are part of my daily meditations.

At lunch I meet with my beloved. We have a special connection, sensing each other even when far apart. He is part of my happiness and is really good for and to me. Together we explore and heal our wounds and now we are like a being made complete, equals forming a greater whole. We pick up on the other's moods and feelings and our communication is so open and direct, that there are no secrets or fears. I can't imagine living with anyone else and I know he is the one I had been looking for all my life. His love for me is as great as mine for him and we're committed to each other in complete honesty and full trust.

After lunch I have three clients, booking me full all afternoon until five. I give treatments in the clinic every week-day between one and 5, and sometimes for special clients, in the evenings or week-ends. People are happy to take half a day off work to get a treatment and I my schedule is full. As a Master LaStone Therapist I am in high demand, and my other skills within healing, body-work and coaching all serve to make my treatments unique, effective and very sought after.

Twice a month, I have a whole day during the week with no bookings or writing planned. These days are spontaneous days only for my beloved and I. We might just stay under the covers all day making love and enjoying the time together. We might visit a museum, go for a ride, see a show, take a walk along the river or do anything we're in the mood for. These days are for just him and I and no work at all is allowed. We even turn of our phones to ensure no distractions. They are dedicated to being present and being together. It is a very valuable and sacred time for us and it allows us to relax and unwind from work, while letting us renew our love, discover each other again and connect even more deeply.

The first treatment is the longest session of the day. It takes nearly a two hours, as I give her a Cocooning to build her strength and let the stones heal her. The shamanistic journey brings her insight and clarity and finishing I let my hands work some of their healing magic before we sit down with a cup of tea and discuss the session. Today she had a great break-through and is full of energy and inspiration. I can tell that she has healed much from her hurt and now is ready to deal with the things in her life that brought her down. I'm happy and very grateful to be allowed to be part of her journey to healing and to help her heal herself.

The second client is a Deep Stone wanting a pre-race massage, as he runs a marathon tomorrow. We chat about the race and how the weather will be while I let the hot and cold stones work their wonders on his legs and buttocks. I confirm our post-marathon appointment and we agree to do a long session with stones and hands to deal with the sore and used muscles.

At four my last client of the day enters. It's the first time she's visiting my wellness clinic. She is very excited, having heard so much good about me, my treatments and the LaStone from her friends. Word is spreading fast, and I have many referrals. New clients come in every week and most become regulars. My clients are loyal. I am booked solid for the next four weeks and I am content. I have so many clients that I easily afford to attend all the courses and classes which interest me, as well as go travelling all over the world when I want to. At least two months a year are used for travelling, courses and holidays with my family.

As my client fills out the intake form and I explain to her about Original Body, my beloved walks by. His afternoon has been full as well with coaching and massages. He has a last session in a few minutes and is using his break to be present with me. I direct my client to the massage room and let her know I will be there in a moment. I quickly give the love of my life a kiss and gaze deeply into his eyes. No words are needed, our love sparkles between us with a stronger expression than words can ever give. He tells me he will be cooking dinner tonight, while I fetch our kids from their after-school activities. I ask him what he will make, but he just smiles and teases me by saying I will see. I get the feeling he has planned something for tonight. With a big smile I join my client.

I enter the room and see her sitting on the massage table with a towel around her. The candles are burning and a pleasant aroma wafts through the air. The sound of water comes from a small fountain in the corner, where water runs down over many types of stunning stones which I have collected from all over the world. The room has plenty of space and is decorated in warm colours with various plants, beautiful paintings and native American themes. My basalt stones are in the heater, ready to use, and the ice-box is full of cold, beautiful marble and sardonyx stones.

With a smile I ask my client to lie down under the towel on the table. I explain to her that I will start with a short ceremony and smudging, preparing both her and I for the journey the Original Body will bring. She nods, a bit apprehensive, but ready to try something new she's not quite sure if she finds too far out. I put on some relaxing music with drums and flutes, setting a perfect mood for the session. From a candle I light my smudge stick and cleanse myself, the room and my client. She expresses enjoyment of the scent. Filled with love and with the confidence only experience and knowledge brings, I continue the session. I find the hot and cold stones for the spinal layout, opening the chakras, placement of stones and I introduce her to the Shiva Linghams. As she lies there I do a bit of drumming, before I begin the actual massage with fragrant massage oils, hot and cold stones.

After the session she looks at me with amazement in her eyes. She tells me it is the best massage she has ever had and says she wants one once a month. She feels so light and energized, as if she's come out of a gloomy room into bright sunshine. There's a light in her eyes and a spring in her step that tells me that she will benefit from this treatment for weeks to come.

As we stand in the reception dealing with payment and the next appointment, I look through my calendar and realize that now I have 60 clients who are booked at a regular time every month. I have several other regulars who book in when they have time, often coming with a small group of friends for a special week-end treatment at my wellness-clinic. I have so many bookings that I have to refer several of them to my freelance employees. The telephone rings and without hesitation I answer it. It is a French speaker and I with ease speak to him, explaining about our treatments. After a short chat, he decides upon a treatment and books a time which I enter into the calendar.

Again I'm grateful that I am allowed such privilege to give massages and introduce people to the stones. For most it becomes a life long journey where they explore all the aspects of the stones, and many join the classes and workshops I host. I teach several LaStone classes as well as shamanism and energy work, and I give workshops for personal development and healing. Our income from the classes and workshops has allowed us to make our dream come true - to create a wellness resort for healing and personal growth.

Our wellness resort in the mountains is almost finished. The exterior is completed, the garden looks so beautiful and the lawn has several isolated spots where people can sit and meditate. Inside the craftsmen are setting up the kitchen and painting the walls. There are only a few weeks of work left, and then we'll host an opening reception with our regular clients, friends and body-workers to initiate the place. There will be ceremonies and rituals, as well as good food, partying and workshops. The scheduled workshops for the coming year are already booked full. My beloved, our team and I have a meeting in two days to discuss new workshops and make the schedule for next year. Demand is high and many have expressed interest.

I come home with our children to a kitchen smelling wonderfully. He has created an amazing dinner and my mouth is watering. Our children happily tell of their day and as we all sit around the table to eat, we discuss the coming week-end. Two full week-ends a month are dedicated to family time, and no work is allowed to interrupt that time. We drive out to visit places or go hiking, and often we leave for the week-end and stay at our cabin in the mountains. The children bring over friends and we have friends visiting in the evenings or week-ends. Our life is very satisfying on all aspects.

After dinner and with the children in their rooms getting ready for bed, I sit on the sofa leaning against my beloved. We gaze into the garden, while softly talking about our day. We share our experiences and thoughts, and actively listen to each other. I have a very good life and I am so happy that tears threaten. I am content and pleased, I feel safe and secure, I have a wonderful family and good health, and I work with what I love the most, writing and healing. I am confident that my life is good, and I know that I live out my higher purpose.

And his surprise? Well, he didn't tell me yet. I have to wait in anticipation, I know it is something special he has in mind and that I will not be disappointed at all.


Lost in the labyrinth

Seven-ring classical labyrinth of unknown age ...Image via Wikipedia

Feeling lost, groping around in the dark, no longer knowing the way
The clear light that shone is hidden behind bends and turns
Paths merge and split, circle around only to lead nowhere
This labyrinth of life is seems to have no clear way to go nor destination

I am lost within this maze of maybes and closed opportunities
The doors appear locked, no keys and I lack the strength to open them
Keyholes hidden, the tools to pick the locks lost or broken apart
Is there an unlocked door, a handle I can try that'll give away freely?

Where am I going, what way am I turning, shall I walk forth or back?
Did I take the wrong turn, and where did I lose count of the doors?
My guide is gone, the light disappeared, behind a wall, around the corner
So clearly I thought I saw the way, knew what turns and doors to take

Now I've turned around so many times that I no longer know forth from back
I became blinded by the darkness inside, the confusion and uncertainty.

Standing here by yet another crossroad, not knowing right from left
All doors seem closed, the paths are completely dark, standing here alone

Which way shall I walk? Where do I want to go?
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At the beginning

At the Beginning there was nothing. There was no light, no darkness – Just a grey Nothingness. Even emptiness cannot describe this state – as emptiness means devoid of presence and presence didn’t even exist.

Within this grey Nothingness there was a tiny spark of presence, a consciousness. This spark couldn’t even be described as life, not even in as abstract a way as the gods would describe life.
This consciousness was aware; it had thoughts but had no feelings, it had knowledge but had no experience.

It felt limited in its present state of existence and was seeking more, seeking experience of life.

And then all began.

Like a huge explosion the tiny spark expanded outwards. It expanded in a rainbow of light and music, too awesome to behold, too beautiful to witness, too overwhelming to see and hear, even if there had been a human to watch.
Not even the elves, of high and graceful race, of extreme and rare beauty, would have been able to encompass this beauty of beginning.

This tiny spark was all that later became the Universe, both the known and the unknown. The Universe became the spark’s playground, its place and way to learn about life. Later races of high insight and knowledge called the spark for The Ultimate, but most of their knowledge is now forgotten.

The Ultimate created the Universe; it created stars and suns, planets and moons. It created life, both known and unknown. It created all, as we know it now; the animals, the flowers, the rivers, the humans, elves, dwarfs and all other races that exists.

It created souls and spirits, gods and elementals. It created thought and feeling, though not knowing what it was, it created hate and love, hunger and satiety, balance and chaos.
The Ultimate had a finger in every thing, in every aspect of life and death, of humanity and godhood.

As a result parts of The Ultimate was now existing in everything there were. It was the sum of all the spirits of the world. The sum of the spirits of fire, water, air and earth, the sum of the spirits of rock and wood, the sum of the spirits of plants and animals, of humans and gods. It was in everything living or dead, a tiny bit of The Ultimate, called spirit.

The Universe took a life of it own. As creatures began to become self-conscious they emerged in new ways. Ways that the Ultimate couldn’t even comprehend.

But the sum of spirits didn’t care, it was learning. Learning about life, about natures balance. How there is to be light, if darkness exists, how there has to be drought for flooding to counterweight. How there has to be female and male creatures, for races to continue and to grow.

As creatures evolved, the Ultimate was learning, and when feelings arose from the murk, that had been created, the Ultimate beamed with joy. This was a whole new path for the sum of spirits, a path forever changing the world.

For as feelings got power, a new concept arose, a concept called Soul.

The Soul was a special entity. Where the Spirit thought about the greater good, the greater life, not seeking to gain other than knowledge, the Soul was totally different. The Soul wanted things for it self, it wanted to be satisfied.

Where you could call the spirit for fullness, the soul was emptiness, where the spirit was satisfaction the soul was hunger.

The soul drove the humans through new paths.

Greed and hunger arose and the people were no longer happy and innocent. Humans began to walk a different path and the old knowledge disappeared.

People began to seek personal gain and those few who kept to their old ways were hunted down. War and strife arose from the darker side of human nature and many innocent were killed. People used the nature’s recourses greedily and the earth groaned under their weight.

War was fought hidden behind words of honour and justice, but no one ever truly won the war.
Villages were lain barren, seas filled with wrecks, forests burned down to the ground and deserts grew for every decade that went by.

Wars were fought for centuries, leaving the earth in ashes. New machines were invented, all to kill as many a possible. Animals were hunted down for trophy and children taken from their mothers just for fun. The earth was a living hell.

Spirit wept for the living beings, but Soul just laughed at it all. Soul fulfilled his purpose and Spirit could do nothing about it.

Spirit was still contained in everything living but was slowly loosing the battle. As Soul got more and more power, the world fought to survive.

One day when everything looked most hopeless a star shone brightly in the sky, heralding a new beginning.

A few people began to gather guided by their Spirit, because they whished for a balance within themselves.  Through the balance in themselves they began to see that balance was needed in the world as well.

They choose to ignore the voice of their Soul, somehow knowing, that they misinterpreted that voice.

A new order of humans began. Working for the greater good and the greater Life. They gained supporters throughout the world, and slowly the deserts shrank and the forests once again stood in their green foliage.

But still strife and greed existed, and the Order understood that it would take centuries to create the right balance between Spirit and Soul.

They started teaching the way of the great wheel, taught that spirit lives on forever and soul dies with the body. Connections were found in links between lives and they understood that Spirit began from the tiny spark and that Spirit would end in a tiny spark, when enough knowledge was gained.

The Order also understood, that life and Soul was all about learning. Spirit was learning from the Soul and that the Soul misunderstood Spirits desire to learn. Thereby creating a hunger in Soul that afflicted humans in unbalanced ways.

Those enlightened people saw it as their life purpose to create a harmonious communication between Spirit and Soul.

They still wander the world. They are few but powerful, teaching humans about the Greater Life.

You might be lucky to find one and if you listen carefully and open your heart, you will know your Greater Life.



A light rises over the horizon, the darkness of the night retreats for that of the coming dawn. From the deepest blue to paler and paler shades. Dew upon my soles, crisp fresh air, complete silence as if nature holds its breath.

One early bird breaks the silence with a longing song. Another joins and within a few heartbeats the paradise erupts in a chorus of song. Pale pink washes the skies and slowly the orange fireball rises between the peaks of distant mountains.

The water of the lake reflects the sky and a soft breeze ripples the surface, creating patterns of stunning beauty. A graceful bird dives into the water and triumphantly rises up into the air in a shower of glistening water drops.

I stand upon the hill welcoming the day, being one with all around me. I long to join spread out my arms and fly into the sky like the eagle. Instead I let the first rays of the morning sun touch my skin and warm my chilled body.

Dew evaporates and a thin layer of haze lies over the lake, mingling with the thin wisp of smoke coming from the chimney of my cabin. Inside life stirs, and suddenly a child's laughter echoes over the small valley.

I smile and thank the world for another day. Content I return to my family, a happy song in my heart, each step bringing me joy and anticipation for the day just begun.


The cabin

It's a quiet evening as the sun settles over the mountains on the other side of the lake. A few birds bid us good-night as the sky turns from fiery golden to the palest of rose, delicate and fragile. The lake mirrors the sky, adding magic to the moment as I snuggle against your arms and settle closer to you. The dew falls on our feet which aren't covered by the blanket.

As the hue of the sky turns darker to indigo, I see the first stars peek down at us. Venus, the planet of femininity and motherhood stands proud over the tallest peak. Challenging us, daring us to doubt her strength. Behind me I know Mars rises, shaded by the cabin which shields us from the light wind of the evening.

From the fireplace inside a golden fire floats through the door frame, casting long shadows on the porch where we lie. You push against the deck, making the hammock rock in rhythm with our breath.

No words are spoken, together we share this special moment as the day ends and its events pass out of the horizon. Now is only the moment of you and I. Togetherness in comfort that needs no explanation.

A half moon peeks over the roof competing with the dew for our attention. The summer night feels warm, with a refreshing breath of coolness that prepares us for sleep.

But not yet. First it is us. Silent together, close, almost merged into one being in love. The demands of the day are beyond us and our children safely asleep inside. This is our moment, when we can be us without distractions, when we can be the couple in love, the lovers, the life-partners, those bound together by soul, heart and body. When we do not hold the roles of the day, of our mission and purposes. When we're allowed to just be us, together, in unison.

Faint, as only the summer night will allow, the first northern lights begin to dance before our eyes. The sky is dark now, twilight has passed, but still a glow shines over the horizon. The sun still plays his game and lights our world, however faintly it is this night. He cannot outshine the aurora reflected in the lake and the stars and moon overhead.

Such a beautiful evening, and perfect in the  moment as I feel your warm skin against me. We'll make love this night, under the beautiful sky. A love so tender that only a mother's love for her newborn can compare.

For now though, we sit together in the hammock, slowly rocking as silence settles around us and bring our minds a quiet peace.


From the stones

Let us take you upon a journey,
 a journey into relaxation and stress-relief
Let us guide you upon the path of healing,
 as we connect and become one in purpose
Let us introduce you to our energies
 of the earth and your connection with it

Prepare to let yourself relax,
 and let your worries evaporate
Prepare to feel how tensions leave you,
 while your mind soars like an eagle
Prepare to receive what we freely give;
 a deep connection with our mother.

Allow us to heal your aching body
 with the temperatures of our nature
Allow us to touch your soul and spirit
 by our sound, touch and energies
Allow us to transport you to another reality
 where we merge into deep unison with you

We came to serve,
 we came to heal,
 we came for you.
All you need to do,
 is to reach out
 and accept us.


Life is a Journey

What is life but a journey and exploration,
a celebration of the moment we live in,
an appreciation of all that is beautiful and wonderful.

To live in the Now is a skill which takes practice,
a goal to strive towards, and yet,
so difficult to obtain and maintain.

Nobody are prefect, but if we don't try
to become our best, we're wasting
this amazing chance we've been given.

Just be willing to try your best,
and one day, when you're ready,
you'll reach your goal and that special place.