The purpose of our lives is a thing that haunts many of us for a long while. We feel there is more to things, that there is a meaning to it all, and we desperately try to find that meaning.
Many search all life and will never find it. Some find it without hardly trying, just walking their path naturally. Some are not even aware of those mechanisms, but find the path anyway. Some of us stand right before the path and can't see it. We have made ourselves blind to the obvious.
When we open to ourselves and our own wisdom and knowledge, and keep open to what is being shown to us, the people we speak to, let our intuition have a say, then we can suddenly find our life purpose in the most odd places. Or from our own mouths in a conversation with a friend.
For others can't tell us what our purpose is. It is not their place to do so. Only we can find it, though the aid of others can certainly kick us when we need it and make us realize and see things.
Another good friend of mine was listening to my rantings the other day and during that conversation I said, very heartfelt and urgent:
"I want to be important to people, I want to make a difference, I want to influence people's lives and be somebody. I want to touch a lot of people and affect their lives and change it for the better."
Later, thinking back on that conversation, I realize that I've been speaking some of my innermost feelings and desires, that I've finally started to voice what it is I want to be my purpose in life, what it is I have the drive and urge to do. I just never dared say such, I never dared get my hopes up.
Life purposes, a topic that's hard to truly understand and learn about. It's hard to to define vague feelings and dreams into something concrete and real.
Thanks Shane, for helping me voice my purpose.
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