Confusion and pain, where is what
Behind you or by your side
Was it your companion for how long?
Fight and battle, so long did we join
Partners with passion caught in the fight
Catch the dreams, catch the hope
Where will that bring you, do you know?
Does the dream fade now?
Did it fly out of the window?
Break free of the prison
But the road ahead is dark
Are the lights shown true or false
What can you trust on that day?
As always, the future is unknown
Would someone give a hint anyway?
Hurts and wounds, who but I can heal them?
Can it be done without passion?
Without hope?
Here I come.
Flying away
She ran away upon a sunny day of spring
The birds were singing the tones of freedom
In anger the last words were spoken
Before the ways parted for real
So much pain and anger, so much frustration
Built over time
Now the day finally arrived
She could stay no longer
The wind carried scents from far horizons
dreams of freedom and joy
Away they went with the clouds
The darkness lifting to the sky
No longer would she say unhappy
But now for the true healing to find
No more bleeding, let the wounds finally close
And bring with them the peace deep within
So upon the day of spring she spread out her wings
Finally flying way from home.
The birds were singing the tones of freedom
In anger the last words were spoken
Before the ways parted for real
So much pain and anger, so much frustration
Built over time
Now the day finally arrived
She could stay no longer
The wind carried scents from far horizons
dreams of freedom and joy
Away they went with the clouds
The darkness lifting to the sky
No longer would she say unhappy
But now for the true healing to find
No more bleeding, let the wounds finally close
And bring with them the peace deep within
So upon the day of spring she spread out her wings
Finally flying way from home.
Taking flight
Anger and frustration, boiling over like milk in a pot
Tearing away and destroying, breaking free of bonds too tight
Out and away like a bird set free, into the sun hoping to fly
Finding healing and comfort, away from the ashy daily life
Too long to have been caught, in necessity and sense
Now finally a chance to let go, and nourish what has so long starved
While sun shines and air is fresh
Out of the cage, imposed by practicality
Perhaps now the true path to healing has been embarked
While following desires and longings
Where the wind carries no one can tell
Letting go of control, to experience what will come
Out of the cage finally, will the pains subside
And the past be put behind
To the hope the wings spread out
Taking flight into the sky while the sun shines.
Tearing away and destroying, breaking free of bonds too tight
Out and away like a bird set free, into the sun hoping to fly
Finding healing and comfort, away from the ashy daily life
Too long to have been caught, in necessity and sense
Now finally a chance to let go, and nourish what has so long starved
While sun shines and air is fresh
Out of the cage, imposed by practicality
Perhaps now the true path to healing has been embarked
While following desires and longings
Where the wind carries no one can tell
Letting go of control, to experience what will come
Out of the cage finally, will the pains subside
And the past be put behind
To the hope the wings spread out
Taking flight into the sky while the sun shines.
Four elements
The wind carries away all my worries
Each touch a caress that removes the pains and sadness
The sun fills me with warmth
Putting life in the empty voids, creates passion and fire inside
The water nourishes me
Gives me depth and understanding, Through water the true emotions arise
The earth grounds me
Gives me a strong foundation upon which, I can build my dream.
Together they become Being
Without which none of us can live
Together they become Love and Happiness.
Each touch a caress that removes the pains and sadness
The sun fills me with warmth
Putting life in the empty voids, creates passion and fire inside
The water nourishes me
Gives me depth and understanding, Through water the true emotions arise
The earth grounds me
Gives me a strong foundation upon which, I can build my dream.
Together they become Being
Without which none of us can live
Together they become Love and Happiness.
Wind in my hair
Wind in my hair, the sound of falling water
Greening trees rise up to the clear sky
Only dotted by a few white patterns
Spring lies over the city, the buzz has changed
Or is it I who sees things differently?
People pass by, living in their own worlds
Do they sense the change in the air?
Do they feel the difference?
The sound of water falling, a fountain in the park
Soothing the sound, almost meditative
Carries my thoughts to other lands.
Wind carry with you my thoughts and feelings
Far away to another place
Where the sound of water falling
Fills the air in a city of spring
Find there my destination,
Where I one day will live and die.
Greening trees rise up to the clear sky
Only dotted by a few white patterns
Spring lies over the city, the buzz has changed
Or is it I who sees things differently?
People pass by, living in their own worlds
Do they sense the change in the air?
Do they feel the difference?
The sound of water falling, a fountain in the park
Soothing the sound, almost meditative
Carries my thoughts to other lands.
Wind carry with you my thoughts and feelings
Far away to another place
Where the sound of water falling
Fills the air in a city of spring
Find there my destination,
Where I one day will live and die.
An ache deep down in my stomach, sitting there as a hole of hunger
This longing day for day, waiting for the time when we will meet again
Through this time of trial, time of patience so bitter-sweet
Testing my decision, challenging my stamina
Only you can soothe the ache, only you can fill the hole
The hole that you left behind, last we parted ways.
This longing day for day, waiting for the time when we will meet again
Through this time of trial, time of patience so bitter-sweet
Testing my decision, challenging my stamina
Only you can soothe the ache, only you can fill the hole
The hole that you left behind, last we parted ways.
To you I give myself.
My pledge lasting forever.
A promise of love and loyalty,
of trust and dedication.
Between us those words are spoken
Binding us tighter together.
No bonds tie us against our will,
but the ones we bind ourselves.
I am yours and will always be,
my heart will allow me no other.
I your arms I am complete,
and know that life is amazing.
Such is my love to you,
a gift freely given.
My pledge lasting forever.
A promise of love and loyalty,
of trust and dedication.
Between us those words are spoken
Binding us tighter together.
No bonds tie us against our will,
but the ones we bind ourselves.
I am yours and will always be,
my heart will allow me no other.
I your arms I am complete,
and know that life is amazing.
Such is my love to you,
a gift freely given.
Clear laughter
Laughter like bells ring out,
to the sun, a bright face into the wind.
Hand in hand we walk,
together enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Your voice is clear,
like a thousand crystals,
as you tell me of your day.
Frequent stopping as you pluck me a gift,
flowers of spring do not escape your hand.
Beautiful is the collection you present,
a display of your love for me.
Eyes shining, you look upon my face
and I can respond only with love.
Dedication and a bond between us,
stronger than a thousand chains.
That is the love of mother and her daughter.
to the sun, a bright face into the wind.
Hand in hand we walk,
together enjoying the warmth of the sun.
Your voice is clear,
like a thousand crystals,
as you tell me of your day.
Frequent stopping as you pluck me a gift,
flowers of spring do not escape your hand.
Beautiful is the collection you present,
a display of your love for me.
Eyes shining, you look upon my face
and I can respond only with love.
Dedication and a bond between us,
stronger than a thousand chains.
That is the love of mother and her daughter.
Changing Seasons
Slowly they wander over the sky,
leaving clear trails showing their silent paths.
Tracking by the eye one particularly clear,
unspoken words fly upon the wind,
whirling about as fallen autumn leaves.
Clear is the crisp night,
as the seasons draw to an end.
Promises of a new life to come,
walks in the footsteps of spring.
With each blooming flower now hope unfolds.
Green leaves a symbol of the life that swells inside.
Now the day draws close,
the beginning of the new era,
where dreams again come true and alive.
leaving clear trails showing their silent paths.
Tracking by the eye one particularly clear,
unspoken words fly upon the wind,
whirling about as fallen autumn leaves.
Clear is the crisp night,
as the seasons draw to an end.
Promises of a new life to come,
walks in the footsteps of spring.
With each blooming flower now hope unfolds.
Green leaves a symbol of the life that swells inside.
Now the day draws close,
the beginning of the new era,
where dreams again come true and alive.
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