
A touch

A touch
Brushing my skin
Tantalizing, enticing, intoxicating

A hand
Silently resting
Upon the very centre of my desires

A kiss
Burning fiercely
Intensely drawing out my deepest needs

Breathing quickly
Unable to contain what you wake inside me

I need you now
To feel you closely, filling me with passion

Shifting my body
Unable to control myself, wanting more and more

Loud screams
Sweet wild release
Explosions of emotions surging through my body



Waves rolling over the ocean
Tall they rise up towards the sky
Trying to reach pristine white clouds

And there I ride
Upon a wave
Higher I rise
For each beat, moving forward

Forward, forward, forward
The momentum surges each crest ahead
Quickly they roll over a clear blue ocean

Pounding heart
Breathless gasps
A yell of pride
Riding upon waves of success

Towards the white beach
Each movement brings me closer
A divine goal I have sought for oh so long

A sudden tumble
Quickly falling
Deep deep down
In fear I hit the cold bottom

Whimpering in sharp pain
Climbing up to the beckoning crest
Soaked and drenched I ride another wave forward

To my beach
Of salvation
Happiness, joy
My home to be when I find you

Never giving up
I must reach that place
No matter how often I fall from the crests


Beautiful story

My life is a beautiful story.

How many people have been told that? "Your life is a beautiful story".

A friend of mine last night said that to me, and ever since that line has been stuck in my head. I've been turning it over and over, considering, tasting, feeling.

And it's true. Yes, my life is a beautiful story. It's the sort of novel that I would enjoy reading. Not because it's full of happiness and romance or anything like that. No, because it's full of struggle, fight, battle, pain, sadness, despair. And in spite of that, I keep on fighting. I keep on trying. And slowly, step by step, I win. One victory after another. Small improvements here and there, tiny things, but they all add up and it turns into a beautiful story.

Who wants to read about lives where everything is just perfect? Where everything succeeds without a struggle? Who wants to hear about one victory after another that wasn't deserved, that wasn't worked for? Who wants to just read about happiness and people being happy?

No one. Why should we read about things only being good when we can never relate to it anyway. No, we want to read about things we can relate to ourselves. We want to read about things where we can put ourselves into the shoes of the main person and say: "Hey, my life isn't that bad after all. This girl here is having a rougher time than myself. But, I know how she feels, I've been there myself. I know how it is to go through things like this."

We like to relate to other people, to find similarities, shared grounds, emotions that are alike, battles that we can compare.

My life is a beautiful story.

That thought makes me smile. I never thought of it that way before. I never viewed my life in that light. I always focused on the happy ending I wanted. I always longed for that happy ending.

And listening to my friend last night. I paused. I stopped up. I thought.

And I realized. Yes, of course I want the happy ending. But I'm sad when I'm done with a book. It's over, I can't read it any longer. I'm enjoying to read about the struggle, the battle, the explorations. It's not the ending that I enjoy reading the most.

That said, of course I want the happy ending, I enjoy the happy ending of a book. We need the hope after all. We need to have that faith that one day, once all the struggle is over with and we have conquered. Then there will be happiness and romance. Then the hero and heroine will marry and live happily ever after.

But we hold that thought close to our hearts while we read about the struggles. And we enjoy reading the story knowing that there will - perhaps, for it's only a perhaps - be a happy ending one day.

My life is a beautiful story.

Dedicated to Todd, a dear friend.



A pause, a heartbeat, a step taken

To watch, observing what can't be seen
Almost touching, so close, nearly there
And yet...

Brushing soft, tender caress
Ah, this longing, strong tearing
Demanding more, more, more
To want you...

Close, so far, so close, far
Nearly there, then gone again
Quick flutters lifting up, up, up
Are you truly an imagination
Or really so real...